Aveda Scalp Remedy


New Member
After lurking for years, here I am.

In any event, I have done searches and have seen no reviews for Aveda Scalp Remedy. Has anyone here used it?

I have been (self and accurately, I might add) diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis. I am now on my second bottle and have noticed that by the end of the first, my scalp shed... which in my opinion, is a good thing. I had flakes, bigger than dandruff, that I was able to wash out by soaking my scalp in olive oil overnight and then combing while shampoo was in it (Note: I raked the comb through the scalp--not all the way to the ends... I never comb my ends)...

My temples, particularly the left (my problematic one), have begun growing hair again... and my scalp is no longer scaly and dull. Before, when I parted my hair, the hair seemed sparse. Now it is full again (the way it used to be, back when it was full and thick). In short, my observations are that it is a great product.

What are your experiences?
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