Aveda reviews!


New Member
My hair didn't like these products and I'm not sure if it's because I have so much new growth, or if my hair truly didn't like it. I will give them a second chance after my touch-up next week, though.

First, my stats:
Type: 3bc, mildly relaxed with lye
Hair Condition: Moisturized, shiny, soft 3 months post relaxer
Products used on last wash: Infusium 23 shampoo, Suave Milk & Honey conditioner, Olive oil/Kera Care pre-shampoo, Kera Care leave-in, SAMY shape-in gel

Aveda Sap Moss shampoo: This stuff took repeated latherings just to produce a small amount of bubbles. It also didn't spread very well. I had to wash my hair in three sections just to make sure all of my hair was actually getting cleaned. I never have to do this with any other shampoo.

It's a liquidy taupe creme, with poor circulation and a miniscule lather.

My natural hair felt hard and stiff. My relaxed hair was just "eh".

The Verdict: 3 out of 10
Extra points because it DOES contain good stuff for your hair, however it wasn't nearly as moisturizing as it claimed it would be.

I'm only trying this stuff again when I get a touch-up because I actually paid full price for it and I want to see if it'll make a difference on relaxed hair. Otherwise, I'd toss it.

Aveda Sap Moss conditioner: Horrible, horrible spread. I almost squeezed out the entire bottle just to get enough to put on my hair. My hair is only 20 inches long, and since I have a long torso, 20 inches is barely long for me (it reaches to the bottom of my shoulder blades). It shouldn't have taken so much conditioner for such a small amount of hair.

Not only didn't it spread well, it didn't do much in the way of it's claims. It's supposed to moisturize AND detangle. It neither moisturized my hair nor detangled it.

The Verdict: 3 out of 10
Why? Why didn't I get this off of eBay!?

Aveda Phomollient: This is similar to a foaming leave-in, only it adds volume. You can use this with roller sets or a blow out.

This is the only product that did what it claimed to do. It gave volume to my hair. I have yet to try this on a rollerset/blowout but I'll take pictures when I do.

I used it on my wet hair and then airdried it as usual. The results: thick, bouncy hair.

The Verdict: 5 out of 10
I'll re-evaluate this product the next time I get a blowout, but right now it looks like a keeper.

Aveda Elixir: This product is a leave-in conditioner. It's a little runny, and also didn't spread well on my hair. Unfortunately, I used a quarter-sized amount which was entirely too much.

It made my hair sticky, but somehow, I was able to detangle my hair.

I used this product before the Phomollient.

The Verdict; 4 out of 10
Because I used too much, I don't want to give this product a bad review since I don't think you're supposed to use a lot at one time. I will try it again and see if the stickiness persists. I will also try this product with heat and see how it performs.
I really liked the shampoo. I used it after a clarifying shampoo and worked pretty good. I liked that it didnt' produce a ton of suds, since I hate having to repeatedly rinse and rinse to get suds out. Let us know how you like it after your touch up
I use some Aveda products and have good results. I hope that it will work better after you've had a relaxer because these aren't cheap.
I never had a poor product experience w/Aveda. I don't always like the smell, but it worked well for my hair. I have the Sap Moss shampoo too and like it. It's supposed to sit for a few minutes since its moisturizing shampoo, maybe that would have helped. It may not produce the suds you are used to b/c it doesn't have ALS or SLS. I hope they work better for you in the future.
I just used the aveda elixer last night and I'm very heavy handed with products. The sells women at the spa I bought it at told me that a little goes a long way and that's why I was careful when applying it. It did feel a little sticky at first in my hands but my hair came out nice, soft and bouncy.
I hope you'll love it the 2nd time around.
I tried the products again today and the only improvement was with the Sap Moss shampoo.

It actually produced suds, and I let it sit for a little longer (less than a minmute, though).

It made my hair feel slightly moisturized, but not anything special.

I left the conditioner on for longer and it perfromed a tiny bit better, but still not very moisturizing or detangling.

This time with the Elixir, I used a lot less (pea-sized amount) and I couldn't get the comb through my hair.

I ended up washing my hair again with Infusium 23 after using all of the Aveda products and putting Super Rinse on my hair to get it moist and soft again.

I think I need a secret decoder ring or something. What am I not doing that you guys are?
yeah, it didn't give me a lot of slip either. If anything it took away some of the slip I had before applying it but I combed only each roller section at a time and my hair came out great.
The only one that I didn't like is the sap moss conditioner. It was like I didn't even put conditioner in my hair!
I didn't particularly like the Sap Moss. But I absolutely love the Curressence line. It's great! Try it.
I haven't used the Sap Moss conditioner. They recommended I try the Deep Penetrating Hair Revitalizer, which is a mild protein conditioner. I use it w/heat maybe once a month or every other month now that I have AO GPB, but it's really good. ITA w/you it doesn't do a think to help w/tangling, but my hair is nicely moisturized. I have to use other products after rinsing to manage those issues.

I wouldn't suggest you spend anymore money on Aveda. It doesn't sound like the product line for you. I think when you find the right line, it clicks w/o any additional effort. Maybe you can try the travel size of Curessence or Brilliant lines @ Aveda. You could also sell it here if you won't get any use from it.
I personally don't think Aveda Elixir works well on relaxed hair. I had always noticed that it worked better on my natural hair of which I have a decent amount to be able to tell the difference. I've also read around the web where Aveda Elixir is recommended to curly heads which I take to mean naturals and not those relaxed. Just my thought...
Maybe you can take them back for a refund or try other products instead.
The stylist at the Aveda salon stated the same thing as hairlove. She told me that my hair would love the products because it works best on curly heads. She didnt say anything about relaxed hair since Im a natural.