Aveda Questions


Well-Known Member
I hate to start yet another Aveda thread but here goes...

  1. Does Aveda have a good moisturizer for 4B hair?
  2. I love the Anti-humectant pomeade, I know they have a humectant pomeade too. Which one should I use, I want to attract moisture but I also want to seal in moisture:confused: ?
  3. I am currently using the Aveda DR line, I love it but does Aveda have anything better?
  4. Is there a generic brand of Aveda? I saw something called Aura but I don't know if it is discontinued or not?
  5. I can't remember but someone mentioned something about mixing the DR conditioner with serum to add more slip? What kind of serum exactly, can it be any serum with cones or do I have to pay more for the Aveda brand?
  6. What makes the Smooth Infusions line better or different from the Damage Remedy line?
I know there are tons of Aveda experts on this board, so please help me out. Thanks in Advance:)
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These are some very good questions! For me the only Aveda products I use enough to comment on are the USC and the brilliant serum. The USC is an excellent product for providing daily moisture. The serum I use along with giovanni direct for my rollersets. HTH
Thank You!

USC = Aveda Brillian Universal Styling Cream?

I saw this but didn't know if it was worth it, the ingredients didn't look that fabulous and it sort of reminded me of John Frieda products
Yes thats it! Its worth every dime!
QUOTE=trimbride]Thank You!

USC = Aveda Brillian Universal Styling Cream?

I saw this but didn't know if it was worth it, the ingredients didn't look that fabulous and it sort of reminded me of John Frieda products[/QUOTE]
Thanks, I will have to try it. I just got a sample of sap moss and was not impressed. I like the scent but it did not make my hair feel any better than the cheaper poos and conds from the BSS

I also purchased the humectant pomeade. I think this will be great to draw moisture into my hair and prevent frizz on a daily basis.
I know I'm going against the grain saying anything negative about Aveda but the Smooth Infusion line was a let down for me. It left my hair dry and hard. I love my DR products though!
cherryhair123 said:
I know I'm going against the grain saying anything negative about Aveda but the Smooth Infusion line was a let down for me. It left my hair dry and hard. I love my DR products though!

My sentiments exactly but I am going to give it another shot because I did an aphogee treatment this week.
I think hang straight isn't working for me either. I didn't like the way it made my hair feel. I am going to stick with Aveda DR and the Humectant pomeade:)
cherryhair123 said:
I know I'm going against the grain saying anything negative about Aveda but the Smooth Infusion line was a let down for me. It left my hair dry and hard. I love my DR products though!

That's weird because I have the poo & con and I washed my hair for the first time with it last week and my hair was light as a feather (I felt bald, it was soooo light and feathery)
I have the Aveda USC, and it left a dull film on my hair. I figured that I would keep it anyway since I may have better luck with it in the future, but I'm going to return it. I just don't like that white-ish cast that it leaves on my strands.
cherryhair123 said:
I know I'm going against the grain saying anything negative about Aveda but the Smooth Infusion line was a let down for me. It left my hair dry and hard. I love my DR products though!

Well, not everything works for my hair either, from all the products I got, I will only repurchase the DR line and the sap moss concentrate (pre-poo).
la flaca said:
Well, not everything works for my hair either, from all the products I got, I will only repurchase the DR line and the sap moss concentrate (pre-poo).

Gorgeous hair, Chica! Tell me about the sap moss pre-poo. What do you feel it does for your hair and how do you use it? (e.g. heat/no heat, how long do you leave it in, do you mix it with something, etc.) Thanks!;)