Aveda DR is Hair CRACK!!!

Hmm are we gonna have to start "Aveda Annoymous" for those ladies that over-use aveda past the once a week recommendation?? Oh boy! Not good, looks like there will be a lot of members including myself. Okay I will start "I'm soonergirl and I am a Avedaholic":drunk:

I digress, keclee we hear you, and those of us who love aveda are happy to have a product that actually does what it says.. Not looking for any miracles here just a product that works...having something that my hair responds to is like finding money in an old purse... Take care
I use DR but I've never had a problem with it. I use all Aveda products and I've found that they work best together. I use the detoxifier also..maybe once or twice per month. I only use DR specifically--maybe once every 1 or 2 times per month. I regularly use the Sap Moss Line and Scalp Remedy Line. I also use Abba Scentsational Poo and Con and I've had no problem going between the two.

DR is not a product I could use at every wash:nono:. My hair doesn't like too much protein at all.
Okay, I'm really shaking my head on this one because I'm really surprised that so many people are on the Aveda DR tip.

Please understand my thoughts, as I'm not targeting anyone here, it just seems too ironic.

1. Has anyone thought that just maybe, just maaayyybe Aveda DR is only meant to be used for a certain period of time to nurture the hair and then cease use? I'm sure Aveda reps caught on to this one $$$$ (not sounding mean): AA women visiting the store looking for products to "solve" a problem (may not even be one relative to protein) and then walk out with another "remedy" type product (specifically damage). How many of you walked in the store browsing and came out with a "recommended" line other than Damange Remedy. Better yet, how many reps said you don't need DR you need SI, or Brilliant, or Shampure...?

2. Damage doesn't mean lack of protein. Damage could mean that your hair needs moisture, collegan, etc. Furthermore, I'm beginning to believe that not all proteins work the same. In fact some are not as "potent" (if you will) as others. There's wheat protein, soy protein, quinea (sp) protein, silk protein.

3. I think DR is hair crack because the first thing we do is run to the store for a quick "fix" and it's just that a quick fix. Try asking a crackhead how long their high last. LOL :lachen: (I'm not calling anyone one here crackheads either)

So what I'm getting at is this: Focus on health first then products last. If you get your protein from food or supplements, guess what? You don't have to worry about repediate use of protein shampoo, protein conditioner, protein this protein that. IDoing so I'm sure may save a few strands of hair falling due to the direct contact of whatever protein used with the intention of solving a protein imbalance (like how is one to know how much protein is lacking to get it rebalanced anyway?). As for products: B-A-L-E-N-C-E!

I admit I did the SAME thing when going to the Italian salon, I was like don't I need the Kerastase Forte or repair stuff. He looked at me like I was crazy and said "why do you need? your hair is not damaged. If I put on then your hair will be damaged, do you want?" :nono: So, I sat my happy *** down and let the specialist go to work. :)

Again, I'm not being mean I'm just expressing my thoughts on this subject since it has been brought up. :look: I think I see a bullet....

Great Post! I totally agree. This is why I stated that while I use DR I definitely can not see using it for every single wash. So far I've used it twice in 2 months time and that is because I was coming out of a weave and really wanted to nurse my hair. I know I don't need it more than that. I don't think it's meant for regular use either:nono:. Only if your hair is severly damaged maybe.
Hmm are we gonna have to start "Aveda Annoymous" for those ladies that over-use aveda past the once a week recommendation?? Oh boy! Not good, looks like there will be a lot of members including myself. Okay I will start "I'm soonergirl and I am a Avedaholic":drunk:

I digress, keclee we hear you, and those of us who love aveda are happy to have a product that actually does what it says.. Not looking for any miracles here just a product that works...having something that my hair responds to is like finding money in an old purse... Take care

ITA :grin:
Great Post! I totally agree. This is why I stated that while I use DR I definitely can not see using it for every single wash. So far I've used it twice in 2 months time and that is because I was coming out of a weave and really wanted to nurse my hair. I know I don't need it more than that. I don't think it's meant for regular use either:nono:. Only if your hair is severly damaged maybe.

My hair can't tolerate too much protien either. I only use the DR once or twice a month. I rotate with the Brilliant & Shampure line to help keep my hair balanced.
Hmm are we gonna have to start "Aveda Annoymous" for those ladies that over-use aveda past the once a week recommendation?? Oh boy! Not good, looks like there will be a lot of members including myself. Okay I will start "I'm soonergirl and I am a Avedaholic":drunk:

I digress, keclee we hear you, and those of us who love aveda are happy to have a product that actually does what it says.. Not looking for any miracles here just a product that works...having something that my hair responds to is like finding money in an old purse... Take care

What condition do you think your hair would be in if you stopped using Aveda DR? Better yet, what if Aveda DR gets discontinued like their prior leave in?
I think I would be ok as I use the si line and the brillant line, those both give great moisture retention, and the detangling properties are great... I have kinda stockpiled bottles of the elixir, so I am ok there.....

Secretly waiting to hear your review of the eqyss line. Dont tell nobody I said that...
I think I would be ok as I use the si line and the brillant line, those both give great moisture retention, and the detangling properties are great... I have kinda stockpiled bottles of the elixir, so I am ok there.....

Secretly waiting to hear your review of the eqyss line. Dont tell nobody I said that...

I heard that missy :spank: :whip:
Let me just clarify....I guess my original message was not clear. Aveda DR has not only stopped my hair from breaking, but it is no longer dry and seems to be well moisturized. I shampoo/condition my hair every 7 days so Aveda DR is not used more often than that. My only issue....when I decided to use NTM shampoo/conditioner and my hair was extremely tangled. Could it have been the NTM?
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I think I would be ok as I use the si line and the brillant line, those both give great moisture retention, and the detangling properties are great... I have kinda stockpiled bottles of the elixir, so I am ok there.....

Secretly waiting to hear your review of the eqyss line. Dont tell nobody I said that...

I have the first wash weeks review in my fotki :)
Let me just clarify....I guess my original message was not clear. Aveda DR has not only stopped my hair from breaking, but it is no longer dry and seems to be well moisturized. I shampoo/condition my hair every 7 days so Aveda DR is not used more often than that. My only issue....when I decided to use NTM shampoo/conditioner and my hair was extremely tangled. Could it have been the NTM?

Also, after a while comike, I would image that after a while the hair would become dry because quinoa has the highest source of protein compared to other grains. Its only a temporary reinforcement to damaged hair, which could be another reason why your are experiencing adverse hair when you don't use it.

Tangling comes from the cuticle being rubbed in the opposite direction (upward) of it's natural direction (downward). Here is an article I found regarding tangles:

It takes 2 (strands) to tangle: A knotty problem.
By KATHY WOLLARD Los Angeles Times Syndicate
Monday, January 13, 2003

"Why does hair get tangled?" asks Jessica Cardosa, a student in Woodside, N.Y.

The culprit in tangling is the cuticle, the hair shaft's outer coating of cells. Scientists compare the cuticle to a shingled roof. Run your fingers down a hair strand; it should feel smooth. But rub against the grain -- lifting up the "shingles" of the hair shaft -- and the hair will feel rough and ruffled.

Curly or straight, a sheltered hair -- untouched by brushing, combing, tugging, heat and humidity -- is like a smooth, shiny cylinder. Real hair, however, rarely looks like the perfectly glistening hair of shampoo ads.

A hair strand that has spent months or years growing slowly out of a head has endured its fair share of abuse. Near the root, the just- minted section is covered in flat, neatly arrayed shingles, like a brand-new roof. But traveling farther along the strand, the shingles begin to look worn and scratched.

Still farther from the scalp, the hair's shingles sport jagged edges. Some have loosened and drifted, leaving gaps where the bare hair shaft is exposed. At the very tip of the strand, the shingles actually may have worn off, the hair shaft frayed like an old rope. You guessed it -- split ends.

Now, the flatter and more intact the cuticle, the smoother and shinier the hair. The more ruffled and damaged the cuticle, the duller and more straw-like the hair -- and the more prone to tangle. That's one reason why, after a shower and shampoo, hair near the scalp may be sleek and reflective, while the ends are a dull mass of tangles.

Why does cuticle damage cause tangling? Hair tangles, experts say, when the ruffled-up "shingles" of one strand catch on the equally damaged shingles of nearby strands. The hairs tangle together into loose knots, and the knots may tighten down during a try at combing or brushing. (Ever get a brush caught in your hair?)

The more damaged the cuticle, the more friction between hair strands, and the more tangle-prone the hair. Water raises the scales on hairs, making them even more tangle-y. Left alone, a bunch of wet tangles can dry into a matted nightmare. Which, in the last resort, may even have to be cut out of the hair.

What ruffles the cuticle? Blow-drying, perms, straightening and dyeing sessions, brushing hair too often and too roughly.

Conditioners help prevent tangling by temporarily smoothing out the cuticle's rough edges. The slick coating helps strands slip instead of snarl. Hair products that are more acidic than alkaline also will help the cuticle lie flat, keeping hair tangle-free and shiny. Such products are called "acidifiers" or "citrifiers." They are actually updates of an old homemade cuticle tonic: rinsing hair in lemon juice.
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Also, after a while comike, I would image that after a while the hair would become dry because quinoa has the highest source of protein compared to other grains. Its only a temporary reinforcement to damaged hair, which could be another reason why your are experiencing adverse hair when you don't use it.

Tangling comes from the cuticle being rubbed in the opposite direction (upward) of it's natural direction (downward). Here is an article I found regarding tangles:

Thanks for the info!:up:
Let me just clarify....I guess my original message was not clear. Aveda DR has not only stopped my hair from breaking, but it is no longer dry and seems to be well moisturized. I shampoo/condition my hair every 7 days so Aveda DR is not used more often than that. My only issue....when I decided to use NTM shampoo/conditioner and my hair was extremely tangled. Could it have been the NTM?

No, it's not the NTM. It's definitely the Aveda. That stuff is just scurry to me.:nono: {I was reading the thread and one person mentioned overusing and then the whole thread went in that direction....when no one even mentioned that...I thought that was funny.} Anyway, I thought it might depend on the hair type. I assumed that since my hair is so fine that maybe that is why I had the situation I had....so I tested on my DD's hair. After just one wash, condition, and treatment her hair felt coated, almost sticky. She didn't like it at all and this was her first try (I adored it for months). Her hair is totally different from mine; 4A/4B, extremely thick, coarse, and 100% natural, while I'm 3c/4A, extremely fine, relaxed. Now she's gotta do a strong clarifier to get it out (or I'll just send her to the pool.) I think everyone is missing the original point that Comike and I are making. Aveda works great on the hair and it's extremely detangling, but when you try to use other products your hair goes ballistic. I used it just as directed by the Aveda Rep and no problem until I tried to use something else. I did notice, however, that my oils no longer penetrated my hair and I lost my glossy, shiny look. My hair was not excessively dry to the touch, but not glossy and alive-looking anymore. That's what prompted me to use another shampoo after using this exclusively for a couple of months or so, once a week. Then I encountered a huge mess. My hair was stuck together in matted ropes after using anything other than Aveda, even my beloved Elucence clarifier, even the Aveda hair detoxifier that was finally recommended by the Aveda Rep to remove the extreme buildup. The only thing that finally totally removed all the whatever was on my hair was chlorine from the swimming pool. The wash after my initial swim left my hair smooth and detangled hair after using the detoxifier and then a "regular" shampoo, just like my hair was in the past. I could have cried I was so happy to finally have that gunk removed. I am sure Aveda was the culprit behind all that hair drama cause I have not had it happen anymore since I stopped using it. Comike, I am almost positive this is what you experienced as well when trying to use another shampoo, especially if you had been using Aveda for a while before trying something else.:perplexed
No, it's not the NTM. It's definitely the Aveda. That stuff is just scurry to me.:nono: {I was reading the thread and one person mentioned overusing and then the whole thread went in that direction....when no one even mentioned that...I thought that was funny.} Anyway, I thought it might depend on the hair type. I assumed that since my hair is so fine that maybe that is why I had the situation I had....so I tested on my DD's hair. After just one wash, condition, and treatment her hair felt coated, almost sticky. She didn't like it at all and this was her first try (I adored it for months). Her hair is totally different from mine; 4A/4B, extremely thick, coarse, and 100% natural, while I'm 3c/4A, extremely fine, relaxed. Now she's gotta do a strong clarifier to get it out (or I'll just send her to the pool.) I think everyone is missing the original point that Comike and I are making. Aveda works great on the hair and it's extremely detangling, but when you try to use other products your hair goes ballistic. I used it just as directed by the Aveda Rep and no problem until I tried to use something else. I did notice, however, that my oils no longer penetrated my hair and I lost my glossy, shiny look. My hair was not excessively dry to the touch, but not glossy and alive-looking anymore. That's what prompted me to use another shampoo after using this exclusively for a couple of months or so, once a week. Then I encountered a huge mess. My hair was stuck together in matted ropes after using anything other than Aveda, even my beloved Elucence clarifier, even the Aveda hair detoxifier that was finally recommended by the Aveda Rep to remove the extreme buildup. The only thing that finally totally removed all the whatever was on my hair was chlorine from the swimming pool. The wash after my initial swim left my hair smooth and detangled hair after using the detoxifier and then a "regular" shampoo, just like my hair was in the past. I could have cried I was so happy to finally have that gunk removed. I am sure Aveda was the culprit behind all that hair drama cause I have not had it happen anymore since I stopped using it. Comike, I am almost positive this is what you experienced as well when trying to use another shampoo, especially if you had been using Aveda for a while before trying something else.:perplexed

So chlorine was the only thing that removed the buildup? :ohwell: I have not intentions in jumping in the pool. I may just buy the detoxifier and see if it helps. Funny thing is my hair has grown quite a bit since using the Aveda DR....I haven't had any breakage.
So chlorine was the only thing that removed the buildup? :ohwell: I have not intentions in jumping in the pool. I may just buy the detoxifier and see if it helps. Funny thing is my hair has grown quite a bit since using the Aveda DR....I haven't had any breakage.

I agree. I didn't have breakage either, but I didn't like the dull, drab look I started to get and I needed to clarify and use something else for a while. I guess I could have used Aveda DR forever since it became the only thing I could use...I don't know if I eventually would have had any adverse effects....I just didn't like being controlled like that. That's exactly why I referred to it as "crack".
I agree. I didn't have breakage either, but I didn't like the dull, drab look I started to get and I needed to clarify and use something else for a while. I guess I could have used Aveda DR forever since it became the only thing I could use...I don't know if I eventually would have had any adverse effects....I just didn't like being controlled like that. That's exactly why I referred to it as "crack".

:lol: Aveda DR is the devil....attempting to enslave us!
IIt also has this coated feeling even after clarifying and rinsing forever. (

I think the reason your hair felt coated is that the DR Restorative has Cyclopentasiloxane in it, which some people consider a pretty heavy duty cone. Some 'cones wash out with just water, like Amodimethicone or any cone that starts with Peg-.

Cyclopentasiloxane needs more of a solvent to get out, usually something with sulfates, which is probably why the whole Aveda line works best together!
I think the reason your hair felt coated is that the DR Restorative has Cyclopentasiloxane in it, which some people consider a pretty heavy duty cone. Some 'cones wash out with just water, like Amodimethicone or any cone that starts with Peg-.

Cyclopentasiloxane needs more of a solvent to get out, usually something with sulfates, which is probably why the whole Aveda line works best together!

Aha!....you ladies are so smart and resourceful.
I think the reason your hair felt coated is that the DR Restorative has Cyclopentasiloxane in it, which some people consider a pretty heavy duty cone. Some 'cones wash out with just water, like Amodimethicone or any cone that starts with Peg-.

Cyclopentasiloxane needs more of a solvent to get out, usually something with sulfates, which is probably why the whole Aveda line works best together!

This entire thread was very informative. I'm so glad I read it. I was about to go and purchase the entire DR line. Now I'm not so sure.
