Automatic Poll Expiration Date?


New Member
I've seen a lot of threads that were very old bumped up here and there, not by a post, but by a poll vote.

This always seems to cause a lot of confusion.

Is there a way that we could make an automatic poll expiration date?

Either 14 days or 30 days? 7 days might be too short of a time, especially for those who don't log in daily, or only log in on the weekends.

Instead of.... the random votes popping up a thread from 2004 having everyone all confused and stuff?

Just a thought.
Please God! Its so so so so so sickening seeing polls from 2001

Please make the poll max 30 days....
Nooo, I disagree. There are over 2000 pages of threads and I for one have not even seen more than half of them, when the polls are bumped it ALWAYS (for me) brings up some bit of information I haven't seen.
I think those that don't want to see them should not click on the thread, so perhaps the date should be shown in the thread preview? For example the craze about MN (from a thread in like 2002 and 2004) castor oil, MTG, Surge etc, we go through so many fads that these polls remind us what worked for those before and also acts as a prompt for those older posters to update the information:yep:
Nooo, I disagree. There are over 2000 pages of threads and I for one have not even seen more than half of them, when the polls are bumped it ALWAYS (for me) brings up some bit of information I haven't seen.
I think those that don't want to see them should not click on the thread, so perhaps the date should be shown in the thread preview? For example the craze about MN (from a thread in like 2002 and 2004) castor oil, MTG, Surge etc, we go through so many fads that these polls remind us what worked for those before and also acts as a prompt for those older posters to update the information:yep:

Well, it's not as if we can automatically tell that a thread that shows as having a new response date/time was actually from 2002 or 2004. People who vote on those threads just...disrupt the flow of...well...2007.

Typically, there are several stickies at the top of all the forums and they were put there as quick reference threads.

I dunno. It just bugs me, and I've seen so many others mention how it bugs them too.
Instead of capping the polls (and I agree with the PP who said it pften brings up some good information) could there be something added to the thread title that indicates when the thread was started? I would find that convienent in many places....

As it is now, the person that starts the thread will have to set how long the poll is to remain open.

I'm not sure if there are plans to change this in the future.