Aubrey Organics......YASSSS!


Well-Known Member
:lick:...this line has some of the BEST DC's Ive ever used in ma' LIFE! White Camellia is my HG DC hands down, man down, BUT this Honeysuckle Rose is THE TRUTH! And GPB well its just plain SPEC,TA,CU, and LAR! Anywho, I know they have others (Island naturals, Cream Rinse, Rose Mosqueta, etc.) and I wanted to know has anyone ever used them and if so,

*what was your experience?,
*did it have slip like the WC, HSR and GPB?
*Did it supply ample moisture?

(I'm not asking because I want to do a haul or anything......Its for *clears throat* "research" :perplexed:look::yep:)

Stay away from the Island Naturals...smells like Vicks, and gives no real conditioning at all. And it smells like Vicks!
I've only tried the jojoba desert herb one and I disliked it so much that I havent tried anything else from the line. It was heavy and gummy and weighed my hair down. Too much moisture
hey hey hey...the Island Naturals is a great protein...I like it better than GPB:grin: Although I also use GPB. I agree it smells terrible but I also don't like the smell of WC and GPB. AOHSR is my daily cowash conditioner except when I get several weeks post then I switch to AORM. I love AO chamomille and AO blue camomille is also a good protein. I use several of the conditioners in this line:love:
none of them smell all that great but they are really good conditioners. aubrey's was the first natural line i tried. i stopped using them for awhile because my hair started to itch from them but with the new formulations, much better. i use to white camelia, hsr and gpb.
Rose Mosqueta is the one I keep going back to! even after the bottle is fdone I fill it 1/2 way with water and shake and VOILA! A whole 'nother bottle of conditioner! It is uber moisturizing 9even after I water it down!) and I use it for co washing AND DC's one of the few conditioners that I don't doctor with other ingredients! The slip factor is enough for my easy to tangle strands and my hair always feels lush and heavy after conditioning and before adding my leave-in and other products!

Aubrey's is a great brand with a great price!
:lick:...this line has some of the BEST DC's Ive ever used in ma' LIFE! White Camellia is my HG DC hands down, man down, BUT this Honeysuckle Rose is THE TRUTH! And GPB well its just plain SPEC,TA,CU, and LAR! Anywho, I know they have others (Island naturals, Cream Rinse, Rose Mosqueta, etc.) and I wanted to know has anyone ever used them and if so,

*what was your experience?,
*did it have slip like the WC, HSR and GPB?
*Did it supply ample moisture?

(I'm not asking because I want to do a haul or anything......Its for *clears throat* "research" :perplexed:look::yep:)


:lachen: @ the bolded. step away from the conditioner!
They are definitely one of my favourite brand of conditioners, I have only used the HSR (I think this one smells the best so far), WC and IN (hated the smell but thought it was a good conditioner). I really want to try the protein one, but I'm being good and finishing off all of the other conditioners I still have.
I use AOWC and AOHSR for a variety of steps - moisturizer, LI, cowash and DC. Love them both. Great moisture.

This may be helpful also!
Im looking into getting their b5 design gel....does anyone have experience with that?

And yes aubrey is a great brand i use hsr an dgpb....tired wc.....didnt like it at first becuase it was not thick enough for my hair.....but then again i may have just been trippin lol.............i need to try the others tjough
I have been a faithful AO user since forever! Has anyone found anything comparable to the moisturizing conditioners in another brand?
AO HSR actually reduces my shrinkage, I'm not sure how :scratchch. I love using it after my Ayurveda treatments. It provides super moisture!
I have been a faithful AO user since forever! Has anyone found anything comparable to the moisturizing conditioners in another brand?

No. AO GPB is nothing short of delicious, awesome amazingness!!! That conditioner never fails me. If my hair feels dry, I picked up AO GPB before I pick up any conditioner that is slated for moisture.
I've only tried AOHSR and I love the smell, the conditioner makes my hair really soft. I'm not a fan of the shampoo though.
Lol I convinced my dad to purchase the aubrey organics gbp conditioner and shampoo. Today he says "How do my curls look? I tried the stuff you made me buy and my hair doesn't feel dry, it's all silky. LMBO I was cracking up laughing

How does camomile and blue camomile stack up against the rest? Are they light or heavy? Moisturizing like HSR and WC or protein balancing like GPB? Details please!!! My inner PJ is soooo curious.
MissMusic from my inner PJ to yours...go get em:poke:....:lachen:

They are light but effective. I actually REALLY like the camomille:yep: The blue camomille is a very nice protein (I find it less moisturizing than GPB) BUT I prefer it to GPB.