Aubrey Organics saved my hair!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies- I just have to share this experience with all of you-

My hair started breaking terribly after my trip from Jamaica about 3 weeks now. There was hair all over my sink, coat and in my comb. I would just touch my hair and my hair would break into pieces. I figured it was breaking due to sun exposure, salt water and chlorine. I tried everything from clarifying shampoos to deep treatments at home and at the salon. And nothing worked. The dominican lady said I would have to cut my hair, but there is no way I was going to let her do that. Its as if my hair changed for the worst. My hair looked and felt straw-like, dry and limp. My hair lost all moisture and shine. It made me so depressed.

Anyway I remember using Aubrey Organics a few years back and liked the results. And since its natural products, I thought to give it a try again.
I still had plenty left over in my bathroom cabinet. I washed with JAY revitalizing shampoo and deep conditioned with GPB conditioner for 3 minutes and honeysuckle rose moisturizing conditioner for 15 minutes. The results were amazing. My hair came out so soft, shiny, lots of body and super moisturized. My hair was back to normal. And the breakage stopped completely. Im thinking of sticking with Aubrey Organics and ditch all my chemicalized shampoo and conditioners. whew...I just ha to let ya'll know that.
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Great story! I'm so glad these products turned your hair around before you considered cutting. I love honeysuckle rose and GPB too! I use them often as overnight prepoos. Good stuff!:yep:
I used the Aubrey GPB with great results. I've never tried the JAY shampoo but Aubrey is great in a pinch and easy to find.
That's great! I'm glad you got your hair back on track!

I've been thinking of exclusively using their products too. I've been deep conditioning with their AO conditioners with great results :yep:
Glad you found something that worked for you! I remember you posting about your hair breaking.

I've been dealing with bad dryness and breakage for the past 3 weeks and I'm at the end of my rope. Maybe I'll try natural products.
Thanks for sharing...yesterday I purchased the honeysuckle rose shampoo and conditioner. I can't wait to use it!
I like the natural ingredients in AO products. If I get good results I'm going to use this line exclusively.
Great story! I'm so glad these products turned your hair around before you considered cutting. I love honeysuckle rose and GPB too! I use them often as overnight prepoos. Good stuff!:yep:

Once in a while, I will use the GPB overnight and it always works great. Strengthens while moisturizing. I did not have success with the Honeysuckle Rose so I gave that away. The GPB is excellent, though :yep:

OT: I loooove Lavendar's hair :love:
Great story! I'm so glad these products turned your hair around before you considered cutting. I love honeysuckle rose and GPB too! I use them often as overnight prepoos. Good stuff!:yep:

hi there lavendar,

could you share with me how you use both of them? I have a store credit for vitamin shoppe and would love to purchase both condtioners this weekend with it.

I love GPB. That's the only light protein I'll ever, ever use. If you love AO HSR, you will love White Camillia!
Uh ok. My fingers are itching to purchase. I have to do a Whole Foods run this evening and ummmera yeah, I might just come out of there with more then just OJ and Carrot Juice. :yep:
Hi ladies- I just have to share this experience with all of you-

My hair started breaking terribly after my trip from Jamaica about 3 weeks now. There was hair all over my sink, coat and in my comb. I would just touch my hair and my hair would break into pieces. I figured it was breaking due to sun exposure, salt water and chlorine. I tried everything from clarifying shampoos to deep treatments at home and at the salon. And nothing worked. The dominican lady said I would have to cut my hair, but there is no way I was going to let her do that. Its as if my hair changed for the worst. My hair looked and felt straw-like, dry and limp. My hair lost all moisture and shine. It made me so depressed.

Anyway I remember using Aubrey Organics a few years back and liked the results. And since its natural products, I thought to give it a try again.
I still had plenty left over in my bathroom cabinet. I washed with JAY revitalizing shampoo and deep conditioned with GPB conditioner for 3 minutes and honeysuckle rose moisturizing conditioner for 15 minutes. The results were amazing. My hair came out so soft, shiny, lots of body and super moisturized. My hair was back to normal. And the breakage stopped completely. Im thinking of sticking with Aubrey Organics and ditch all my chemicalized shampoo and conditioners. whew...I just ha to let ya'll know that.

Yes, AO GPB is the bomb. That's all I need when I do my protein treatments well that and Motions CPR:yep: I have not tried the Honey Suckle Rose Conditioner but the next time I order some GPB, I'm going to order some HSR conditioner