Aubrey Organics Rosa Mosqueta


New Member
Has anyone tried this conditioner (you know, the expensive one, :grin:)? If so how do you like it and how does it stack up to the other Aubrey Conditioners? Oh yeah, and I would also like to know about the Jojoba & Aloe conditioner. TIA.
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OMG!!! I was lookin all over de place 4 reviews! It has very NICE ingredients and I just ordered some from vitalgo and am also wondering who has used it. It should be REALLY good, i mean, its pretty expensive and all.

OMG!!! I was lookin all over de place 4 reviews! It has very NICE ingredients and I just ordered some from vitalgo and am also wondering who has used it. It should be REALLY good, i mean, its pretty expensive and all.


I know! I don't think a lot of the ladies have tried these two conditioners (could it be the price that's turning them off? They are more expensive than the other aubrey conditioners). Hopefully someone chimes in *waits patiently*.
i purchased the conditioner a while ago but have never used it. i must not have looked at the price when i picked it up because i dont remember it being exspencive. but when i went to whole foods today i saw it was like $18 and i was like wth????
maybe i got mine on sale or something.
I tried it, but I didn't notice any big difference between the Rose Mosqueta and my faves White Camellia and Honeysuckle Rose.
Yeah the price kept me from getting it, but soon as I get my money, I was planning on picking some up.
i think im gonna deep condition with this tonight with heat for maybe 30 minutes to see why its so darn exspensive.
i think im gonna deep condition with this tonight with heat for maybe 30 minutes to see why its so darn exspensive.

Thanks! Let us know how it goes, ok? (I think the price stems from the fact they put a lot of rosa mosqueta *aka rose hip seed* oil in it.)

I think those are probably the only two Aubrey conditioners I haven't tried (except for the green tea one). Vitamin shoppe is having a sale on the rosa mosqueta conditioner (it's only 15 or 16 bucks vs. almost 20 retail) and also on the jojoba & aloe (13 to 14 bucks vs. almost 17 retail). I think I may need to clarify my hair, because my hair hasn't been responding as usual to my beloved AOHSR and AOWC.
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I Have it Too.:grin: But haven't Used it Yet.:look: Will wait on Che's Review.

Whenever I do use it, I will be using it with either My Heat Cap or Steamer.:lick:

Definitely with Heat.
man T you really make me want that steamer.
normally i would sleep in the conditioner to get as much conditioning as i can but its getting cold so thats out. im gonna have to look at the ingredients too because to me all AO conditioners have almost the same list, just in a different order.
Yes, I've used it and it's a very nice condish. It's quite light to what I'm used to but it does the job well. For me, I use it more as a "rinse" than as a final's a bit too light for my hair for this purpose on my hair.

It's the best, along w/ GPB for protein, of their line that I've tried. I'm not a major fan of the Aubrey line, I'll confess. You can get better for cheaper comparable profucts in other lines, but if you wanna try this one (esp if you can get sample sizes) it's quite good.

Um, examples please? :look: :grin:
I use the jojoba and aloe vera and its greatttttttttttt not as good as gpb BUT i think its because they serve 2 different purposes j.a. is more for dryness and gpb is more geared toward breakage. I see more hairs with j.a. verses like 5 with gpb but both are great haven't tried the rose yet.
I absolutely love the AO Jo and Aloe condish. AO was the first line of natural hair and skin care products that I tried, and it should have been the last. AO products have a higher ranking in my stash. At the risk of sounding a bit nutty, I will admit that I store my AO in the lower shelf of my refrigerator.

While I like Giovanni and J/A/S/O/N, my hair seems to be really compatible with AO. The products are very concentrated, so you only need a teaspoon or two of the product for each use.

If you want a low-cost condish alternative in terms moisturizing effectiveness and not having to use half the bottle, I'd say the NTM DD is a good pick. However, it does have cones. AO gives that great feeling sans cones.
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Thanks everyone! So far I'm really interested in trying the Jojoba desert one. It seems really good. My hair is behaving very strangely, and my conditioners aren't hydrating my hair as much as they used to. After thinking about it I feel it's because it's time to clarify/chelate my hair and also time to change my shower filter. Maybe after I get all the mineral deposits out of my hair the honeysuckle rose and white camellia conditioners will start working better. If not, I'm interested in trying both the jojoba (for moisture) and the Rosa mosqueta (for light protein). the GPB doesn't really do anything special for me.
i used this last night and i loved it. as soon as i put it on my hair i swear it dissapeard. i had to add more to make sure i had enough on it. i liked that it was softer and thinner than the othe AO conditioners because it was easy to spread on. while i love this conditioner i dont hink its better than gpb and i dont think its worth the money. but i do like it. my curls were really defined and soft and after the deep conditioner there was none left on my hair.
i think AO conditioners are the best out there if you waant natural. i love giovanni and just feel in love with jason natural jojoba conditioner but AO conditiners are amazing.

i didnt know rose masquite was protein, i thought it was all moisture lol.
my fave will always be gpb and i can use it everyday because my hair is very fine and thrives on protein. i used to used it 2-3 times a week with no problem at all.
I have not tried this one but just wondered if you have tried Vitaglo as they have the best prices for AO that I have seen. This is selling on their site for just under $12

Oh I see someone already mentioned Vitaglo :)
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Thanks everyone. After reading the reviews, I don't think I'll spend the money on the rosa mosqueta. It seems pretty thin and probably more conducive for rinse out than DC'ing, and I already have my beloved Giovanni SAS as a rinse-out conditioner. So I guess I'll stick with the HSR and WC. But I still am curious about the Jojoba & Aloe conditioner. Has anyone tried that one? Is it comparable to Aubrey's GPB conditioner?
oh no RM is MUCH MUCH thicker than giovanni. its not thin, its just not as thick as say hsr. it is pricey though so i get cha.
Thanks everyone. After reading the reviews, I don't think I'll spend the money on the rosa mosqueta. It seems pretty thin and probably more conducive for rinse out than DC'ing, and I already have my beloved Giovanni SAS as a rinse-out conditioner. So I guess I'll stick with the HSR and WC. But I still am curious about the Jojoba & Aloe conditioner. Has anyone tried that one? Is it comparable to Aubrey's GPB conditioner?

WHAT??? NO!!! I ordered rosa mosqueta got my order today, yay! Am DCing with it now and IT IS SOOOOO THICK!!! It has the consistency EXACTLY like Honeysuckle rose. It has VERY good ingredients.
The only thing I dont like so far is the smell. It smells like/worse than the white camilla condish which I HATE the smell of. But dats jes my preference.
So after I finish DCing, I will let you guys know the results. But just so you know, the conditioner is THICK AS HELL.
Thanks everyone. After reading the reviews, I don't think I'll spend the money on the rosa mosqueta. It seems pretty thin and probably more conducive for rinse out than DC'ing, and I already have my beloved Giovanni SAS as a rinse-out conditioner. So I guess I'll stick with the HSR and WC. But I still am curious about the Jojoba & Aloe conditioner. Has anyone tried that one? Is it comparable to Aubrey's GPB conditioner?

Errr Umm:look: I have it! And I really like it.:yep:

It's just as "thick" as the others---kinda herbally smelling. Actually Muffin, I love it! I will definitely purchase it again (at some point).

But I also like Island Naturals.:look: And very few people hardley ever comment on that particular one. I think Island Naturals is the one that people also refer to as being a light protein.

I think as with all the AO's...either you like them or you hate them or you feel they're just kinda so-so.:spinning:

So, to me, it's all boils down to 'Personal Taste' when it comes to any of the Aubrey Organic Conditioners.

i.e. some people say WC is too moisturizing, some say it doesn't moisturize enough, some people say HSR is only okay....other people have it as their HG. etc......:blush:

But Until now, I never knew that the Jojoba & Aloe was comparable to GBP?

Jojoba & Aloe leaves my Hair very nice and conditioned like the other AO's I have.
maybe my rose masquite seemed thinner because i had it in the shower with me. i keep all my AO conditioners in the shower because they are so hard to get out of the bottle. esp. the hsr.
maybe my rose masquite seemed thinner because i had it in the shower with me. i keep all my AO conditioners in the shower because they are so hard to get out of the bottle. esp. the hsr.

Really? oh, cuz mine is SUPER thick.
Now the Egyptian henna rinse is RUNNY. Its practically water. But i like the herbal smell. Its great for a nice clean rinse.
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THICK??? Now that's a different story. My interest is peaked again. I wonder why Chebaby's was thin? I'm going to call my local vitamin shoppe and place an order for it. I'm going to buy it through them because I won't have to pay shipping and handling. They just deliver it right to the store, call me when the order comes in, and it's nearly 20% off the original purchase price. Eventually I will also try the Jojoba & Aloe as well. If I'm going to call myself an Aubrey lover, I need to try all of their conditioners. I tried the island naturals, and I liked that one a lot, better than the GPB for protein. But recently I repurchased it, and the ingredients look like they underwent a change (it listed cetyl alcohol as the first ingredient instead of the coconut fatty acid cream base) and my hair didn't like it the same.
i LOVE rosa mosqueta!!! :grin::grin::grin: it's definitely one of my staples. love the ingredients. love the lush, thickness. the smell ... lol, not so much ... it's not a bad scent, just kinda herbally. but i don't buy aubrey for the scent, i buy it for the ingredients. i usually get it at whole foods. It's a great deep conditioner. Leaves my hair soft & hydrated everytime & well worth the price.