Aubrey organics rosa mosqueta conditioner...


Well-Known Member
Anyone using this? I used it last week but I think I may have used it incorrectly cause it did not do jack for my hair. On the bottle it says to put it on while the hair is dry, is this what everyone is doing? I put it on wet hair and sat under the dryer and when done my hair did not even look like it had conditioner it melted away. How should I be using it?
I used it the same way. :yep:

You would think that RM would give great results because it's the most expensive, but that's not the case. :perplexed

I've found White Camillia to be the best of all of them with Honeysuckle Rose coming in second.
I'm new to AO and they have instantly become an absolute staple...I agree w/ tiffers RM is meh, WC Holy BATMAN!!! HSR very nice..I also like Island naturals and GPB for protein...all that I've mentioned I'd repurchase except for RM:ohwell:
I use it and I like it more the AOWC. I use it on wet hair as a deep conditioner.
Hmm looks like i should return it and get the White Camilla. The White Camilla is moisturizing right? That is what I need i for no protein.
Ah man. I got some on ebay for $8, which was a steal considering the regular price. Wish I had've known this beforehand. I'll still try it out & see how my hair likes it & if not I'll probably just use it to make some Kimmaytube leave-in.
I used it the same way. :yep:

You would think that RM would give great results because it's the most expensive, but that's not the case. :perplexed

I've found White Camillia to be the best of all of them with Honeysuckle Rose coming in second.


Thanks so much for recommending the conditioners! I went to get The White Camilla but they were out so I got the Honey Suckle and tried it. My hair literally feels like butter even after I rinsed it out. I am amazed and in love now with this conditioner! I will try the Camilla next, I can't imagine something being better than the honey suckle though.
I've never bought the RM because its 8 dollars more than any other and I already love AOHSR. I have never seen WC in stores, and I look whenever I see AO's products.
I used it for the 1st time today after completing the Terressentials Mud Wash detox & my hair felt like butter when I rinsed it. I will say that the smell leaves a lot to be desired. I don't know if it's b/c I don't like the smell of roses.
I was thoroughly unimpressed whole the RM, I used the whole bottle and tried it every which way. I won't buy it again. Didn't do a thing for me. However, I absolutely can't live without my Honeysuckle Rose.