ATTN NO POOERS! Aussie's Dual Personality Conditioner is PERFECT FOR CLARIFYING!


hair bored
I got this yesterday from Walmart, and I'm in love! :love: It costs $2.84, so it's not as cheap as some of the Suave and V05 cheapies, but it really gets the job done if your looking for a clarifying conditioner that won't live your hair stripped (esp. natural hair!). It's designed for combination hair, and it's supposed to both cleanse greasy roots and mend dry ends, which is PERFECT for my hair, b/c I wanted something to get rid of product build up, but not be as stripping/drying as some of the clarifying poos. Anyways, I used it this morning, and my hair felt very clean, yetmoisturized, and not at all stripped. And it smells GREAT too! :lick: This is definitely going to become a staple for me, so if you're looking for a good clarifying CO, this might just work for you! :yep:

I saw a commercial for this product on tv but was hesitant of buying I'm I know that I will pick up some soon. I really like CO washes and I'm not a real fan of poo anymore and I was just thinking the other day what if they had a conditioner that had clarifying agents in them. Way to go Aussie :weird:

BTW - Thanks for the review Ayanapooh. :)
OMG...i was looking at that yesterday and almost got it. Instead I picked up the Dual Personality Mousse and Leave-In Conditioner! It's supposed to be good for wash n' go. I'm gonna try it today.
Thanks for the info.
I have been looking for a clarifying conditioner, so the other day I brought the
suave brand :perplexed . If it does not work out, I will try the Aussie.

Let me stop. Next time I go to the store, which will be today, I'm sure I will pick up a bottle.