ATTN: D.C. Ladies! Surge Products Found!!!


New Member
Hey Ladies!

I trust that you had a marvelous and blessful Christmas. Well today is my off day so I decided to buy myself something for Christmas. As a self-proclamed Product Junkie, I went to Greenbelt Mall (Beltway Plaza). There a large hair supply store there.

Well, ALL three Surge products are there! I picked up another bottle (since I'll be running out in the next few weeks). I also picked up the Woojee Cream (a moisturizer) and the Hair Oil [a fantastic combination of aloe vera, jojobal oil, vitamin E, shea butter, tea tree, olive oil, soybean oil, clove oil, and coconut oil). The Surge products were a whopping $6.99 each, but I thought it was well worth it, since ordering online would be expensive for shipping and handling...
I know alot of people are happy to see this post.

It reminds me I think the store I posted about in herndon (The beauty center) carries all three products as well.
It's off of Greenbelt Road (or 193 West) towards College Park. You can't miss it. About 1/2 before you get there, you'll see Greenbelt Park on the left, Fridays on the right, keeping straight on Greenbelt Road, the mall is on the right hand side. You'll see a Target, Marshall's and Burlingtons. You need to enter the mall at the first entrance where Burlingtons is. As soon as you enter, walk and turn the corner. The hair store is second on the left.

Happy Surging!
there's anohter very very recent thread on this!
you'll find plenty more recommendations for stores that have surge...maybe some are right in your back yard! good luck!
I live in Greenbelt, so the mall is very convenient. But I'd like to find it cheaper somewhere. I checked the Shopper's Food Warehouse in College Park yet again. No Surge. I'll check the other one in Hyattsville when I'm in that area. In the meantime, ladies, if you see Surge in or near College Park, Hyattsville, Lanham or Langley Park, please do let me know. Otherwise Greenbelt is going to have to do for now...
Thanks for this, I needed someplace close to carry Surge esp since the Greenway Beauty Supply doesn't have it. I'll be going to Beltway Plaza for my Surge when I need to re-up!

There is a huge supply of all three Surge products available at $4.99 each at the National Warehouse Liquidators in Langley Park on University Blvd. Please leave one or two bottles of the Revitalizer for me. Thanks
It was $6.99 at Beltway. Again, I'd like to find somewhere a little cheaper, but that's the only place I've found now. None of the local Shoppers Food Warehouses have Surge. Must be a Virginia-thing...
Sorry, Kasey. I didn't see your post before I posted my message. Thanks for the info. I need to pick up a few bottles to send off to my mother and grandmother. I'll try and save you some.