Attention Daily Co-washers...


New Member you ever feel like co-washing your hair daily is doing more damage than good? I mean I'm sure it depends on what your regime is but I've been co-washing my hair every day for about 3 years or so and it seems like it's dramatically gone down hill. My hair was in better condition when I was washing it once a month and curling it every day! I'm giving it until the end of summer and if I can't get it even a little healthier I'm cutting it chin length. I don't want to but all of the breakage and split ends are driving me nuts! :wallbash:

Have any of you ladies who co-wash daily and just wear your hair naturally curly have this problem?
Maybe it’s too much moisture for your hair to do it everyday? I only cowash 2-3 times a week now b/c I was over moisturizing my hair by cowashing daily. I’m sure others will chime in that may have more information for you.
Maybe it’s too much moisture for your hair to do it everyday? I only cowash 2-3 times a week now b/c I was over moisturizing my hair by cowashing daily. I’m sure others will chime in that may have more information for you.

I thought about that.... for a long time it seemed like it was stripped. When I first started wearing my hair curly I washed and conditioned it every day. After awhile I did some research and discovered that I had probably stripped the natural oils out of my hair. So I've gone to washing it once a week with a sulfate-free shampoo and co-washing it every day. It's helped a little but not as much as I was hoping. I'm wondering if I'm just expecting too much too soon.

What conditioner are you using to cowash?

Man... recently I've started switching often so I don't use the same one every day. Its like I'll buy one and it'll work great for about a week and then it does nothing for my hair. I've used Pantene Natural Fusion, Mixed Chicks, Curlz, John Freida and Aveeno.
I noticed my hair's condition going downhill in just a matter of weeks when I was co-washing. I was doing it too often. I had to slow it down drastically. I haven't co-washed in a long time, but I precondition before washing and deep condition everytime.
Do you clarify? Daily cowashing can lead to buildup on your hair, depending on the ingredients in your conditioners.
Just curious why you continue to co-wash if you know it's going downhill?

I shampoo'd daily very briefly as a teen and I probably lost half my hair on my head. I did see the problem and stop quickly though. I now know that my hair cannot take that much manipulation and plus I have no need to co-wash daily, even when wearing my hair curly.

I don't think it matters what conditioner you use. If your hair can't take it, it just can't. I know for me co-washing is not moisturizing like it is for some so your hair could be getting dried out.

Is there a particular reason you feel you have to do it daily? Maybe try cutting back. I'm almost positive you'll see a difference. I'm just trying to give you a different perspective on this. I wouldn't encourage you to keep doing something that I believe to be damaging (for some people.....let me say that before I get chewed out, lol).
I noticed my hair's condition going downhill in just a matter of weeks when I was co-washing. I was doing it too often. I had to slow it down drastically. I haven't co-washed in a long time, but I precondition before washing and deep condition everytime.

If I wear it curly I have to at least wet it every day... otherwise it looks like a hot mess.

How often do you co wash with a protein conditoner?

Probably about once every two weeks or so.
I tried frequent co washing
it doesn't work for me
wetting my hair that often causes more breakage for me i think...
Do you clarify? Daily cowashing can lead to buildup on your hair, depending on the ingredients in your conditioners.

I do clarify twice a month.

Just curious why you continue to co-wash if you know it's going downhill?

I shampoo'd daily very briefly as a teen and I probably lost half my hair on my head. I did see the problem and stop quickly though. I now know that my hair cannot take that much manipulation and plus I have no need to co-wash daily, even when wearing my hair curly.

I don't think it matters what conditioner you use. If your hair can't take it, it just can't. I know for me co-washing is not moisturizing like it is for some so your hair could be getting dried out.

Is there a particular reason you feel you have to do it daily? Maybe try cutting back. I'm almost positive you'll see a difference. I'm just trying to give you a different perspective on this. I wouldn't encourage you to keep doing something that I believe to be damaging (for some people.....let me say that before I get chewed out, lol).

I know right? As I was creating the thread I thought I know these folks are gonna wonder why I'm still doing it.

I guess I just felt like because of the breakage that my hair must be super dry and what better way to "moisturize" than with water every day. My hair isn't one "type" or another (ie: 4a, 3b)... it falls in between two different types and its always been that it curls probably from the root to about 3/4 down and then its straight. It's just not the "traditional" type of curly.... so if I want to wear it all curly I have to start all over every day because those sprays that they make to "rejuvinate" the curl and all that just doesn't work for me.

I do clarify twice a month.

I know right? As I was creating the thread I thought I know these folks are gonna wonder why I'm still doing it.

I guess I just felt like because of the breakage that my hair must be super dry and what better way to "moisturize" than with water every day. My hair isn't one "type" or another (ie: 4a, 3b)... it falls in between two different types and its always been that it curls probably from the root to about 3/4 down and then its straight. It's just not the "traditional" type of curly.... so if I want to wear it all curly I have to start all over every day because those sprays that they make to "rejuvinate" the curl and all that just doesn't work for me.
Well if your hair is still dry and you're still getting breakage the co-washing is probably not working for you. Like I said before co-washing for me is not moisturizing on it's own. Most conditioners are full of cones and other bad things so doucing your hair in that daily is probably blocking a lot of moisture out. Your hair strands are probably getting coated which is leading to more dryness.

My hair gets the most moisture from a good moisturizer and oil. I know people say water is the best moisturizer but I just don't see it, lol. When I wet my hair yes it is moisturized because it's wet....once it dries that is gone. I need a creamy leave-in that isn't gonna evaporate into thin air, lol.

Since you haven't stated that you're open to changing your regimen I won't go into anymore detail but I hope you figure it out.

As for refreshing the curls.....where there's a will there's a way:grin:. I would suggest just wetting/dampening it and applying a creamy leave-in. When I do this my curls are so moisturized as the days go on.
I dont cowash either because my hair gets quite tangly and dry when I do so. I mean it may seem moisturized while it is wet but as soon as my hair dries, it is desert dry. I'd cowash from time to time in the middle of the week to clean my hair but not to moisturize it per se, I simply use a moisturizer for that.
For you ladies that say your hair is dry after co-washing, are you using a leave in conditioner? I always use a leave in conditioner in my hair.
For you ladies that say your hair is dry after co-washing, are you using a leave in conditioner? I always use a leave in conditioner in my hair.
Yes but my hair is never ever moisturized like it is after a few days of not co-washing and just leaving my hair alone.

Even after a leave-in it is not moisturized like I want it to be that's how I know the co-washing isn't moisturizing my hair. After a few days...lovely moisturized hair:lick:.....and less frizz too:grin:.
I think co-washing everyday for fine hair is bad and also, it is how you detangle(that is what causes/creates problems). For fine hair, that may be too much manipulation. I co-wash everyday or every other day and it has helped with the growth but I have a totally different texture of hair than yours. Plus, I workout at least 5x a week; so that was the reason.

Additionally, I alternate between protein conditioners(Mane'N Tail imitation, Soymilk Conditioner, etc.) followed with a moisturizing deep conditioner for 30-40 minutes with a leave-in conditioner and sealing with castor oil at least 1x week. I try to deep condition my hair 3x a week.
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Also it helps to wash ur hair in sections and not loose. I don't think u have to do it everyday though. All that detangling and manipulating everyday would leave me with 2 strands of hair on my head, lol. I feel like the moisturizer doesn't have time to be effective if I wash it out everyday. Try skipping a day or 2 to really moisturize ur hair. you ever feel like co-washing your hair daily is doing more damage than good? I mean I'm sure it depends on what your regime is but I've been co-washing my hair every day for about 3 years or so and it seems like it's dramatically gone down hill. My hair was in better condition when I was washing it once a month and curling it every day! I'm giving it until the end of summer and if I can't get it even a little healthier I'm cutting it chin length. I don't want to but all of the breakage and split ends are driving me nuts! :wallbash:

Have any of you ladies who co-wash daily and just wear your hair naturally curly have this problem?
I would just like to say (just my opinion) I think daily co-washing may be too much for some....i've heard some say it works for them. I co-washing once a week, I think maybe 2 or 3 times maybe....but daily I think is too much on the hair :yep:
Well if your hair is still dry and you're still getting breakage the co-washing is probably not working for you. Like I said before co-washing for me is not moisturizing on it's own. Most conditioners are full of cones and other bad things so doucing your hair in that daily is probably blocking a lot of moisture out. Your hair strands are probably getting coated which is leading to more dryness.

My hair gets the most moisture from a good moisturizer and oil. I know people say water is the best moisturizer but I just don't see it, lol. When I wet my hair yes it is moisturized because it's wet....once it dries that is gone. I need a creamy leave-in that isn't gonna evaporate into thin air, lol.

Since you haven't stated that you're open to changing your regimen I won't go into anymore detail but I hope you figure it out.

As for refreshing the curls.....where there's a will there's a way:grin:. I would suggest just wetting/dampening it and applying a creamy leave-in. When I do this my curls are so moisturized as the days go on.
My hair also don't hold moisture when water dries in it. Just wanted to ask what creamy leavr-in do you prefer? Your hair and texture is beautiful :yep:
I thought about that.... for a long time it seemed like it was stripped. When I first started wearing my hair curly I washed and conditioned it every day. After awhile I did some research and discovered that I had probably stripped the natural oils out of my hair. So I've gone to washing it once a week with a sulfate-free shampoo and co-washing it every day. It's helped a little but not as much as I was hoping. I'm wondering if I'm just expecting too much too soon.

Man... recently I've started switching often so I don't use the same one every day. Its like I'll buy one and it'll work great for about a week and then it does nothing for my hair. I've used Pantene Natural Fusion, Mixed Chicks, Curlz, John Freida and Aveeno.

Ok, I hope this helps. I co wash every day in the summer. 2-3/week in the winter just because it's too cold to go out with wet hair every day. I use Trade Joe's Nourish spa and EVCO and Aloe Vera Juice when needed and have had no problems. I've been natural and co-washing since 2001 but I do not use shampoo regularly. If I do, it's very diluted.

The Pantene and Mixed Chicks you mention both have very heavy silicones. I'm not sure about the other products. What types of ingredients work best for your hair? Maybe we can help you find a conditioner that suits your hair type and hair needs.
maybe the waxes that are in instant conditioners are coating your hair and not allowing your moisturizer to penetrate your hair...why not just wash your hair with water on your cowash days and skip those conditioners.
Ok, I hope this helps. I co wash every day in the summer. 2-3/week in the winter just because it's too cold to go out with wet hair every day. I use Trade Joe's Nourish spa and EVCO and Aloe Vera Juice when needed and have had no problems. I've been natural and co-washing since 2001 but I do not use shampoo regularly. If I do, it's very diluted.

The Pantene and Mixed Chicks you mention both have very heavy silicones. I'm not sure about the other products. What types of ingredients work best for your hair? Maybe we can help you find a conditioner that suits your hair type and hair needs.

All of the suggestions have been extremely helpful. After reading them and thinking about it I've come to the conclusion that maybe I'm just one of those people who can't co-wash. My hair does very well with aloe and lighter oils. I can't use anything too heavy ie: my sister who has much finer and straighter hair that I do uses Blue Magic and some Herbal Essence gel and her hair is growing like a stinkin weed. I was like ain't that Anyhow, the more natural the conditioner the better-- which I'm sure is the case for most.... I haven't ever used one w/o cones so I don't know if that would work better or not. Coconut oil just seems to sit on my hair... it'll make it look like a frizzy, shiny mess. Olive oil doesn't do much either.
maybe the waxes that are in instant conditioners are coating your hair and not allowing your moisturizer to penetrate your hair...why not just wash your hair with water on your cowash days and skip those conditioners.

I might have to try that. :yep:
Well if your hair is still dry and you're still getting breakage the co-washing is probably not working for you. Like I said before co-washing for me is not moisturizing on it's own. Most conditioners are full of cones and other bad things so doucing your hair in that daily is probably blocking a lot of moisture out. Your hair strands are probably getting coated which is leading to more dryness.

My hair gets the most moisture from a good moisturizer and oil. I know people say water is the best moisturizer but I just don't see it, lol. When I wet my hair yes it is moisturized because it's wet....once it dries that is gone. I need a creamy leave-in that isn't gonna evaporate into thin air, lol.

Since you haven't stated that you're open to changing your regimen I won't go into anymore detail but I hope you figure it out.

As for refreshing the curls.....where there's a will there's a way:grin:. I would suggest just wetting/dampening it and applying a creamy leave-in. When I do this my curls are so moisturized as the days go on.

I'm not necessarily opposed to changing my regimen. I'm just lazy.:grin: Nah... I would change it if it worked. I guess I just need to find something other than what I've been doing.

For you ladies that say your hair is dry after co-washing, are you using a leave in conditioner? I always use a leave in conditioner in my hair.

I use a leave in and it helps tremendously... I'm just thinking maybe for my particular hair type I might be over doing it with the co-wash condish and then a leave-in.... IDK though...

Also it helps to wash ur hair in sections and not loose. I don't think u have to do it everyday though. All that detangling and manipulating everyday would leave me with 2 strands of hair on my head, lol. I feel like the moisturizer doesn't have time to be effective if I wash it out everyday. Try skipping a day or 2 to really moisturize ur hair.

That's the road I feel like I'm on. I lose so much hair right after I co-wash. It didn't really dawn on me until I was combing my daughters hair after her shower and she lost hardly any. :sad:
OP _ what do you do with your hair at night? That may be contributing to why you feel you need to re-wet it to style every day.
Daily co-washing didn't work for me either. When I'm freshly relaxed then it's fine. However, I'm over 6 months post relaxer. After about the 2nd month it stopped working. My hair felt awful sometimes.
My hair also don't hold moisture when water dries in it. Just wanted to ask what creamy leavr-in do you prefer? Your hair and texture is beautiful :yep:

Thanks. I like Karens Body Beautiful hair milk, Elucence Moisture Balance, Giovanni Direct and S-Curl.