ATTENTION! All Viviscal takers & and those considering it!


Well-Known Member
I just want to say because Ive seen a lot of comments and have personally been asked if you have to take this supplement for 6 months to get carazee growth. Also it looks like people have started taking this and its not working much but they still continue:sad:...

Viviscal is a formula which was originally for balding men and alopecia sufferers (Which is much more serious than geddin your WSL on!) therefore usually if a healthy woman with no balding problems takes Viviscal you should be able to see results pretty soon, like in the first month soon:rosebud:.

Even when I have extreme alopecia before I discovered Cathy Howse and LCHF Viviscal grew it out in 3 weeks. I know there are variations in people but its worth considering. Also if you smoke or are overweight you are reccommended to take 3 pills instead of 2.

Sometimes s**t doesnt work for everyone though so please dont waste your hard earned cash on this product when you could be shopping for clothes and preserving your sexy! Its too damn expensive, in retrospect theres no point taking something for months waiting for it to kick in moneywise.
I agree with you that one should not continue to spend cash on something that does not work. Viviscal is currently a part of my vitamin regimen and I am very pleased with the results. I take 2 a day plus my multi and a iron tab. My cousin wanted to take it but is allergic to fish.