at peace with your hair...


New Member
I just got braids after a 2 month resting period and a whole lotta drama.I feel like I'm at peace with my hair... At least for you/have you ever felt this way? regardless of your hair goals?
Peace - it's wonderful!

I just got braids after a 2 month resting period and a whole lotta drama.I feel like I'm at peace with my hair... At least for you/have you ever felt this way? regardless of your hair goals?

I felt this way a couple of times: when I cut off my locs after they became too much to deal with, and now, after my BC has grown out so I can do a quick puff or updo and not have to fumble with styling.
I'm almost always at peace with it - impatient with it? Erry weekend. At peace with it? Erryday.

ETA: Okay, not EVERY weekend. Just the weekend's I'm trying something new. :lol: :look: On the same ole, same ole weekends, I'm at peace.
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Yes, very much at peace. I love my hair now. I now know what to do to take care of it and am being rewarded with growth, health, and beauty. I love my hair.
I don't think there was a time I really didn't like my hair. I have bad hair days and get frustrated about that. The only thing I want is more length. I'm not 100% at peace with it because of that but I'm more at peace with it than I'm not.
I am at peace with my hair now, because I know what it needs and have an arsenal of staples. I was also at peace when I last cut off all of my relaxed ends. I have learned so much about my hair that I haven't really stressed about my hair since I last went fully natural.
Great post!
I just became at peace with my hair for a couple of weeks, and i feel less stress. I stop worring about sheeding and serarching out split ends. I do what my hair needs and spend the rest of the day obsessing about why i'm single:rolleyes::drunk:
i'm at peace with my hair now that i know that i don't have to wear it down all the time to feel "cute", that i can have a rigorous workout routine now while sweating like a beast and maintain a healthy head of hair, that it will retain length so long as i keep it moisturized and take care of them ends.

nice thread :)