Asterisks within my screen name when someone quotes me? Why??


Happily retired
I have been a member here since Feb 2006 and was never told that there was anything wrong with my screenname. So can someone please explain why there are --->***<--- in my screenname when someone quotes me?
I have been a member here since Feb 2006 and was never told that there was anything wrong with my screenname. So can someone please explain why there are --->***<--- in my screenname when someone quotes me?

I think it's because of the az z in your name.
Why block *** but not ***********?!?
ooooooooh we dunno......let's see.....:drunk: :spinning:

pass = P***
harass = har***
sass = s***
lass = l***
assign = ***ign
bass = b***
crass = cr***
assume = ***ume

hey this is fun :lachen:

profanity :laugh:
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Splash - please submit a ticket if you are having a problem with your account, describing the problem in detail. I am not seeing any problem with your screen name.
Thank you
Splash - please submit a ticket if you are having a problem with your account, describing the problem in detail. I am not seeing any problem with your screen name.
Thank you

Beverly, Thanks for the reply.

This is what happens when people quote my posts: Originally Posted by Spla****l

I can open a ticket if that is the best way to handle it. Thanks!
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