Assured Spot in Heaven


Well-Known Member
I read in the "ask God for" thread where people were saying they want to know if they are definitely going to heaven.

But per Romans shouldn't we already know that??

"Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth..."

Am I missing something. I thought with the above done you were assued a spot in heaven. :confused: Too late to call and wake my daddy so I'm asking ya'll...

Chime in ladies! :)
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Yes, I agree with you. I cannot recall the scripture (nor will I look for it :lol: ) but I know I'm going! :look: Folks are probably throwing up and falling out reading this but oh well.

I believe.
StrawberryQueen said:
Yes, I agree with you. I cannot recall the scripture (nor will I look for it :lol: ) but I know I'm going! :look: Folks are probably throwing up and falling out reading this but oh well.

I believe.

:lachen: :lachen: @ throwing up and falling out!!!

and here you go

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)
I know that I am going to heaven...God is going to want to talk to me about a few things, so I am preparing my answers now...LOL but I know that I am going to get into heaven, no doubt in my mind.
:) In the thread my request was for a for a pure heart. Faith/belief itself without action (obedience/works/fruits) is not enough. So it’s going to require practice coupled with faith i.e. If I honestly believe I will obey God’s Word.

My spiritual life is a journey of trial and error one task is completed another appears on the horizon until one fulfils all the tasks towards the achievement (eternal life). I personally don’t think entering heaven is going to be an easy achievement. As, all great achievements require sacrifice and hard work. Therefore, I believe heaven is attainable but not without much effort.

There have been times and may be more times in the future that I may miss the mark. That is why I desire a pure heart and contrite spirit that I may learn from my mistakes and improve as I develop spiritually. I believe the Christian journey is a gradual walk and I thank God for His grace… By God's grace heaven is my spiritual destiny.

“Spiritual development begins to make sense when we realize we have both a personality and a soul. While our personality identifies with limitation, our soul knows itself to be limitless. Our challenge is to bring the personality and soul together in harmony.”