Assistance needed


I finally took the plunge and did the BC. I have a twa. I need a regiment. Do I CW everyday? Still prepoo? DC how often? This is what I did after I BC'd. I prepooed with hair mayo. Washed with CON shampoo. Afterward , I put in qhemet olive oil cream and scurl. Tomorrow, I'm going to put in scurl and seal in with castor oil everday. Ill sleep with my satin bonnet and every otherday ill sleep in a plastic cap. I'm either a 4a or 4b. Am I on the right track? Any assistance will ne much appreciated.
No one can tell you exactly what to do, but we can point you in the right direction. Pre-pooing and co-washing is something that you don't have to do (I don't), it really depends on your hair needs and your lifestyle. Did you use conditioner after you shampooed?
I agree with the others. You will nee to find what works best for you. If you didn't put conditioner on after you shampooed you should. I would never shampoo and not use conditioner.

Your join date says 2004 is that correct?
Whenever you shampoo always follow-up with a conditioner. You don't always have to deep condition your hair, but at least use a conditioner. If you are using a protein conditioner, a moisturizing conditioner should be used after it.
I usually use a conditioner after I shampoo. I just didn't this time. Yes I've been a member since 2004. My hair grew a lot when I was relaxed and consistent with my regiment. I wore wigs and still do as my protective style. I feel that my hair would thrive moreso being natural. I could kick myself because I should of began transitioning when I started wearing wigs. Oh well I learned my lessons and now I'm on the right track. Thanks for all responses.