Ask anything.....WEDDING EDITION!!


Well-Known Member
I know there are multiple threads about asking and getting answers to "dumb" questions. So I thought, why not have a wedding edition where we can post all of our wedding questions and answer a few faux pas! :grin:

I'll start.....

Normally, is everyone invited to the wedding ALSO invited to the reception? :look: What? DON'T JUDGE ME! :giggle:
I think the default is that you are invited to both unless the invitation specifically say otherwise.
You can choose whether or not they're invited to the reception; I don't know how rude it is to exclude a wedding guest from the reception though.

Sent from my iPhone.
I think people should be invited to both. I know of people having 2 receptions: Cookies and punch for some and a full dinner for others. SMH
I was always under the impression if your invitation does not have reception details in it, then you are invited to the wedding only.
I sent formal invitations with all information to people who were invited to my reception. For anyone else (like church folk) I sent announcements with only the ceremony details on it.
You can choose whether or not they're invited to the reception; I don't know how rude it is to exclude a wedding guest from the reception though.

Sent from my iPhone.

It's extremely rude and low class to exclude anyone from the reception after they've been invited to the wedding and vice versa.
The best way is to invite who you actually want there and hey should always be invited to both parts of the event. If you're worried about crazy people you know just don't invite them point blank cause if they go to be at wedding they will crash the reception. If its financial cut the guest list. Hth
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How far is to far in advance to send out save the dates? FH family lives in florida and I want to give them enough time but I don't want it toooo early
How far is to far in advance to send out save the dates? FH family lives in florida and I want to give them enough time but I don't want it toooo early

If people have to travel and book hotel. Send the save the date at least 3-4 months before.

If everyone is local you can send the save the date 2 months before.
When I was looking at a wedding forum website there was topic that said

" if I give someone an STD, do I have to invite them to the wedding?".

I later learned std=save the date. I thought it was referring to a different std.

I had visions of brides inviting pissed off ex boyfriends to their wedding ---Cake flying In a jerry spring worthy fashion. .:lachen:
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