Asian Beauty Supply Stores


New Member
I went to the beauty supply store today, and it was awesome!!
I think I spent at least an hour in there, and I saw things I had never seen before!! They carry Dominican shampoos & conditioners, like Apretadora, Nacidit, Miss Key, & Salerm 21!! (Not sure if all those are Dominican products...). They also had the full line of Dudley's products!!

I didn't buy any of that stuff; I still have a bunch of products at home to use up, but it sure is nice to know where I can get it when I'm ready!!

I love shopping at the Asian BSS!! I spent $28.00 and came out with a whole bag full of stuff!! When shopping online, you can spend that much on just ONE (or two) products!! I got magnetic rollers, sponge rollers, end papers, hair clips, Fantasia IC Frizz Busting Hair Straitening Gel, Africa's Best Kids Shea Butter Detangling Moisturizer (smells sooo yummy!!) and Better Braids Spray (yes, I'm going to try this as a substitute for "Dew").

The BSS made my day!!!
I love their stores also. They have so much stuff. The one here carries the Cream of Nature conditioner.
How funny, I was in the Asian supply store also today. I spent $34...
I bought a:
- gigantic tub (I believe 50 or so oz) of Motions Moisture Plus Conditioner

- tub of Motions Silk Protein Conditioner
- bottle of Lavish Poo (Motions)
- hair accessories (beads, shells, clips, barrettes, banana clips, silk scrunchies & headbands)

Me & my hair are gonna be happy this weekend
I go to an asian bss too. This place is huge
. They got everything there(at least it seems like they do) and their prices are so reasonable
That's funny Peachtree; we both had our "fix" today!!
I was looking for that Motions Silk Conditioner, but they didn't have it!!

I admire the way that you are faithful to your one brand or products. I could learn alot from you
Hi CoCoChantel,

I go to an Asian operated BSS in Brockton (P K Beauty Supply, 89 Main St.). I'm sure there must be one closer to Boston, though. There's also Venus in Cambridge on Mass Ave. - I don't believe it is Asian owned but they have a decent assortment of products and the prices are relatively reasonable.
They don't have these where I live either! I can never find certain products here and it's so frustrating so I end up buying online...but the prices have to be low enough that I can afford to pay for shipping!

Peachtree, I'm so jealous that you can find the Motions Silk Protein Conditioner. I can't find that one anywhere!
yeah it makes a differecne when you are faithful to one product instead of jumping around. Sometimes you have to accept that you have found the one product that works and it is not going to get any better.
I go to an Asian Beauty Supply also. It's strange how they have everything WE want for OUR hair. They even sold me something that only state certified beaticians should have. In Dallas, they seem to prey on us and there was even a boycott of the Asian shops because they were in Black neighborhoos but would not hire Black people to work there.

In some shops, they keep them locked all the time and when you want to go in, you have to push a button that rings a bell. They come to the door and check you out. If they like how you look, okay, you get in, if they don't, keep walking.

The one I go to is in a very diversed neighborhood and they seem okay.
Ours just want your money. The one in my hometown is different. They hire black people to work there but then they go and hide in the back store room or sit down behind the counter as if we can't see them. Everybody in the county knows that the store is owned by Koreans.

The one I go to in Greensboro is different. The Asia people are very nice. They help you find products. Offer to order stuff. They do returns with receipts. They even try to get more information on the products.
We have tons of Asian bss in my area too. Some are reasonably priced, and some are not. However, I love going to them.

I wish I could find that one product
It seems that since Mizani changed the original formula--I've been like a lost puppy lookin' for his home
I feel your pain. You will find that one product one day. But the thing about using all of one product line is that not all of the products are created equal.
starz said:
Lindy which beauty supply store in New York has the dominican hair products? Thanks in advance.

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The one I went to is in White Plains, on Martine Avenue. There are two, and they're right across the street from each other! If there's something you can't find at one, chances are you'll find it at the other!!