Asian Beauty Supply Documentary!!!


Well-Known Member
My sister always told me not to shop at Asian owned beauty supply stores for my hair needs. I'm curious as to where my sisters on LHCF shop for their hair care needs. Most people on here say they shop at BSS, but which ones?

I mainly shop online, at salon or at Sally's, but I have gone into these shops (worrying about whether the products are passed expiration or the original products).

After watching this, I will not lend my support to these stores in the future. Also, I will be careful as to whether "they" own the online stores as well.

Please watch these videos.
hey i posted this topic a couple of months ago. i'll bump it up for you. it's in the "Off topic" board
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what disgusts me about their shops is that they cant be trusted. tehy will dilute a product, use fake ingredients just to make a profit. I will never buy from them for sure. I am not american, i am jamaican. they took over my country. its the same fake thiefingness. they will never play fair. I can bet my hair loss has to do with the products i bought at their store. i bought 2 surge there and it was like alcohol.
zailless said:
what disgusts me about their shops is that they cant be trusted. tehy will dilute a product, use fake ingredients just to make a profit. I will never buy from them for sure. I am not american, i am jamaican. they took over my country. its the same fake thiefingness. they will never play fair. I can bet my hair loss has to do with the products i bought at their store. i bought 2 surge there and it was like alcohol.

Wow, I can believe that.

They take black people money (and black people give it to them) and never invest in the black communities.
:perplexedWow...MrsHouston,thanks for that insight. I had no idea. I live in Houston TX as well...could you suggest some other places I may go? I usually go to Asian stores off and on. Lately though I go to Sade's on South Main (in the Reliant Stadium area), and I go to Impulse Beauty Supply alot. And a couple of times I have gone to an african owned store close to my house. Do you think these are okay? I also buy quite a few products online and at Sally's. I am sure Sally's is fine and hopefully Sade's and Impulse (since they are african/black owned)...but I would like to have other options just in case...TIA!
MsBttrfly23 said:
:perplexedWow...MrsHouston,thanks for that insight. I had no idea. I live in Houston TX as well...could you suggest some other places I may go? I usually go to Asian stores off and on. Lately though I go to Sade's on South Main (in the Reliant Stadium area), and I go to Impulse Beauty Supply alot. And a couple of times I have gone to an african owned store close to my house. Do you think these are okay? I also buy quite a few products online and at Sally's. I am sure Sally's is fine and hopefully Sade's and Impulse (since they are african/black owned)...but I would like to have other options just in case...TIA!

OMG, I go to Sade's on Main when I'm at home. Billy (a black guy) is the owner. I'm going to have to PM you.

Houston should have lot's of black owned BSS. I use to purchase my items from Sade's, salons, or Sally's. If I find another one I'll let you know.
MsBttrfly23 said:
:perplexedWow...MrsHouston,thanks for that insight. I had no idea. I live in Houston TX as well...could you suggest some other places I may go? I usually go to Asian stores off and on. Lately though I go to Sade's on South Main (in the Reliant Stadium area), and I go to Impulse Beauty Supply alot. And a couple of times I have gone to an african owned store close to my house. Do you think these are okay? I also buy quite a few products online and at Sally's. I am sure Sally's is fine and hopefully Sade's and Impulse (since they are african/black owned)...but I would like to have other options just in case...TIA!

girl, as big as houston is, the city has maybe a handfull of non-Asian owned bss. I can't even say i've ever been to one that wasnt:ohwell:
MrsHouston said:
My sister always told me not to shop at Asian owned beauty supply stores for my hair needs. I'm curious as to where my sisters on LHCF shop for their hair care needs. Most people on here say they shop at BSS, but which ones?

I mainly shop online, at salon or at Sally's, but I have gone into these shops (worrying about whether the products are passed expiration or the original products).

After watching this, I will not lend my support to these stores in the future. Also, I will be careful as to whether "they" own the online stores as well.

Please watch these videos.

VERY INTERESTING! I thank you for giving us this education. I think I will continue on w/ the homemade, or known product producers (anita grant, oyin,ect) I DON'T MIND supporting our community!
I saw that documentary and it made me very upset. Thats why I am so happy that I found a black owned beauty supply store near my home.
Let's boycott Exxon Mobil, IBM, Haliburton, Pfizer, and Merck too, these companies have caused mass destruction of indigenous villages, depleted the environment, robbed peoples of their natural resources, heck back before IBM made your motherboard, they helped automate the Holocaust, so let's go after them too.

But I guess these crimes PALE in comparison to thinking someone is overcharging for yak hair and a box relaxer.
omnipadme said:
girl, as big as houston is, the city has maybe a handfull of non-Asian owned bss. I can't even say i've ever been to one that wasnt:ohwell:

I know, that is so sad that a large city like Houston with a even larger black community doesn't have that many Black BSS.

I think Sisterslick (on this site) is in Houston. She may know of some. I'm currently in North Carolina, but Houston is my HOME. I found one here, so I feel very blessed.
ajargon02 said:
VERY INTERESTING! I thank you for giving us this education. I think I will continue on w/ the homemade, or known product producers (anita grant, oyin,ect) I DON'T MIND supporting our community!

I think it is imperative that "we" Black American/African American stand up and support each other, all the other races are doing it. This could be an excellant start with LHCF taking a stand.
sweethair said:
I saw that documentary and it made me very upset. Thats why I am so happy that I found a black owned beauty supply store near my home.

Yes, it made me upset too. Everyone should listen to it.
gloomgeisha said:
Let's boycott Exxon Mobil, IBM, Haliburton, Pfizer, and Merck too, these companies have caused mass destruction of indigenous villages, depleted the environment, robbed peoples of their natural resources, heck back before IBM made your motherboard, they helped automate the Holocaust, so let's go after them too.

But I guess these crimes PALE in comparison to thinking someone is overcharging for yak hair and a box relaxer.

I really don't think "they're" over charging anyone. If fact as far as I've seen the prices are cheap. I'm not sure what they're doing to them. Watching the video does give a better insight to what's going on.

Also, it would be nice if they would give back to the community that is making them rich. Why not empower the black own business. I guess it's a personal decision.

...and by the way, IBM pays my mortgage:D
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MrsHouston said:
Also, it would be nice if they would give back to the community that is making them rich. Why not empower the black own business. I guess it's a personal decision.

...and by the way, IBM pays my mortgage:D

A lot of them do, there's just so much that needs to be done in a lot of the neighborhoods where they set up shop. My mother in law could barely keep up with all the charity events going on and eventually it got to be so much that she could only do two a year.

One thing I always wonder is why the people that LIVE THERE don't put anything into their communities? This is business in a capitalistic society, why should she be obligated to care about a community that barely cares for itself? Half those women that came in cared more about hitting up the Go-go club than a PTA meeting...who's responsibility is it to insure that THEIR kids get a new gym or better tiling for the ceiling? The SBA offers FREE classes to minorities and women attempting to start businesses, why is it the Korean's fault that people lack the motivation or education to start businesses in their own neighborhoods?

Trust me, I've dealt with some a-hole Koreans that I wanted to give syphillis IVs to, but I admire hard working people and I won't begrudge a fellow American their right to start and run a business, no matter WHERE it is.

Some people are actually willing to bust their a** for the American dream, while others sit on the side lines and act like it's owed to them.