As promised..Relaxer/shedding update


New Member
I just finished relaxing my hair. I promised several of you that I would keep you updated because of how scared I was due to the hair shedding and breakage that I've been suffering with for months now. Well, as feared I LOST A TON OF HAIR! Right now, I'm sitting under the dryer deep conditioning but I wanted to post pics of the hair I lost from the point of applying the relaxer to shampooing with the neutralizer.
Parted hair in 6 sections, 3 on each side of my head.
Applied a mixture of Roux Porosity and Aphogee Reconstructor to previously relaxed hair.
Applied Designer's Touch Mild relaxer to hair starting with crown and finishing with nape and hairline.
Rinsed relaxer out (can't tell you how long it was because I needed to leave it on long enough to get it straight FINALLY)
Applied Post Perm treatment to my hair and left it on for 10 mins.
Washed hair with neutralizer.
Applied Deep condtioner and sitting under dryer for 45 mins right now.

(``note that my hair was tangled and matted in a few areas from previous unprocessed relaxers and me only finger combing on wash days and not combing at all for the rest of the week)

Pics attached below of hair loss.

My Hair 056.jpg
After rinsing relaxer out.
My Hair 058.jpg
This pic is after i was done applying the relaxer.
My Hair 059.jpg
This is after the wash with neutralizer.
Cayenne you ain't gettin no sympathy for them little hairs. I thought yu was going to be half bald :lol: It doesn't look that bad to me especially since you were not combing. How are you going to handle your hair once your done? I think once it dries you will really be able to tell whats going on....keep us posted
*Bre~Bre* said:
Cayenne you ain't gettin no sympathy for them little hairs. I thought yu was going to be half bald :lol: It doesn't look that bad to me especially since you were not combing. How are you going to handle your hair once your done? I think once it dries you will really be able to tell whats going on....keep us posted

Girl!!!! :lachen: Okay, maybe it looks smaller on camera than it does in person because its a LOT of hair. I was losing so much hair that the loose hairs were literally tangling around the stable hairs and knotting up. I couldn't hardly get my fingers through my hair. I was sooooo scared and then I finally just got frustrated and accepted that I was gonna lose whatever I was gonna lose at that point and that I couldn't do anything about it. I'm still under the dryer but I will keep you posted. As far as styling. I'm going to do as I normally do and apply my leave in and finger comb straight back and tie down with wrap strips. I'll likely sit under the dryer to get partially dry and then I'll air dry the rest of the way. I will do a cut (remains to be seen how much right now) and then I plan to stick right back up in a bun.
Just a suggestion but do you think you should only fingercomb going forward? I know a lot of ladies here only fingercomb but that technique doesn't work for everybody. I for one would never be able to do that. Just a thought. And I am feeling your pain on losing hair. I remember the one and only time I did a color on my hair. It was about two weeks after perming. Let's just say that while I was rinsing out the color my hair started coming out in chunks. THANK GOD I was only streaking the color. I had enough hair to fill up a ziplock baggie. That was about 4 years ago and I'll never forget it.:perplexed
I also think that it resulted from you not combing. But it is good that you are pampering your hair especially if you feel that the shedding was excessive.
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Well, I think I'll be okay now that I've finally processed my relaxer fully. I believe that the matting and tangling were partially due to the fact that I have been pretty much underprocessed since August or Sept 06. I had no choice but to finger come because of so much new growth.
I'm now finally completely processed STRAIGHT! So I should be able to comb when needed and finger comb when I don't feel the need. I'm going to rinse this condish out now so wish me luck. I still had some long hairs straggling from the ends after I applied the conditioner so I know there's more to come with hair loss before its all said and done today.:(
Cayenne, I've lost more hair that that during a relaxer.

I think you may be ok :lol: But I do know you're very concerned with your shedding problems, so I won't slight them.

Maybe the relaxer just isn't for you? Have you gone to a DR yet? I don't remember if you said you did or not. Have you tried Castor or Garlic oil?
*Bre~Bre* said:
Cayenne you ain't gettin no sympathy for them little hairs. I thought yu was going to be half bald :lol: It doesn't look that bad to me especially since you were not combing. How are you going to handle your hair once your done? I think once it dries you will really be able to tell whats going on....keep us posted

I thought the same thing! I was like *tha's it!*
Looks to me like ur shedding issues are coming to an end. Congrats!

Are ya'll serious??? I wish I could feel encouraged by your words but I have never in my life lost that much hair during any kind of process. Never even close. Ya'll have to remember, I don't have long hair. Its right at the bottom of my neck and I have fairly thin hair so losses like this are massive for me. I just finished my final comb out and applied my leave in and I lost another big bulk of hair. I can already tell that its broken pretty badly so I'm sitting under the dryer now until its dry and then I'll trim and just start 2007 as my year of recovery.
I have to co-sign with Bre-Bre. Finger-combing doesn't work for me. Also remember hair sheds naturally. Less combing doesn't stop that process. Breakage is what you have to be overly concerned with. I should send you pics of the amount of hair I lose on a daily basis.
That would not be a lot of hair for me to shed. But everyone is different. If you are not used to seeing a lot of hair coming out, the amount you saw could be traumatic.

My shedding has gotten better since I use Aphogee Keratin Reconstructor and Intensive moisturizer every two weeks and a hot oil treatment on alternate weeks.

I wish you luck in getting the shedding under control!!!
Thanks for your kind words everyone. My husband came home and saw all of the bunches of hair in the sink and he kinda freaked out. I went to my inlaws house today for dinner and wore my hair down for the 1st time in months. They all noticed the length and when they touched it they could feel how thin its gotten. They were all very supportive though. I actually feel better now that I cut about an inch because I've had no shedding or breakage post styling. Hopefully, the worst is over. Here are pics. I didn't want to post any because I'm not thrilled about my lack of progress but my layers do seem to be growing out and I promised I would post pics for January 07.
Also, don't let the pics fool you. I'm beginning to believe that pics actually make my hair look better than it does in person.

July 06 ---> Oct 06 ---> Jan 07

July 06 back.jpg

My Hair 004.jpg

My Hair 082.jpg
Cayenne0622 said:
Thanks for your kind words everyone. My husband came home and saw all of the bunches of hair in the sink and he kinda freaked out. I went to my inlaws house today for dinner and wore my hair down for the 1st time in months. They all noticed the length and when they touched it they could feel how thin its gotten. They were all very supportive though. I actually feel better now that I cut about an inch because I've had no shedding or breakage post styling. Hopefully, the worst is over. Here are pics. I didn't want to post any because I'm not thrilled about my lack of progress but my layers do seem to be growing out and I promised I would post pics for January 07.
Also, don't let the pics fool you. I'm beginning to believe that pics actually make my hair look better than it does in person.

July 06 ---> Oct 06 ---> Jan 07

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Your hair looks beautiful in the pictures! So thick and healthy looking!
Volare said:
Your hair looks beautiful in the pictures! So thick and healthy looking!

Thanks Volare. I think its pretty healthy now that I've cut it. Its thinned out quite a bit but there are short little new hairs all over my head so at least my shedded hair is being replaced. God is good.
Cayenne0622 said:
I didn't want to post any because I'm not thrilled about my lack of progress but my layers do seem to be growing out and I promised I would post pics for January 07.
Also, don't let the pics fool you. I'm beginning to believe that pics actually make my hair look better than it does in person.
View attachment 3483

Yes, I noticed that too. Your hair still looks beautifull to me. Maybe it looks thinner because you were underprocessed for a while and now you processed it fully.

And besides, hair usually looks flatter after relaxing. It'll have even more volume after your first wash. :yep:
You are doing more harm by worrying, the hair you see was do to you not combing, 2007 will be your year keep up the good work...
WOW! That seems like a lot of hair to me...maybe not the first and third picture but when I enlarged the second one...*hug*

Your hair does look beautiful your pictures though.
AlexB7 said:
WOW! That seems like a lot of hair to me...maybe not the first and third picture but when I enlarged the second one...*hug*

Your hair does look beautiful your pictures though.

Awww thanks everyone.

Alexb7! I knowwwww!!! It scared the crap out of me. I do believe my shedding is finally done though. I also do believe what the other ladies were saying about my lack of a few inches of underprocessed new growth. I just put some Castor Oil on my scalp and my hair looks and feels really good.

THANKS FOR HANGING WITH ME FOR THE LAST SEVERAL MONTHS OF CRYING AND COMPLAINING LADIES!!! I would have lost it without you and being able to come here and vent.
Cayenne!!! Your hair is beautiful! I love it. I didn't mean to slight you earlier and I hope you saw what I was trying to say. Hey, we are at the same legnth now more or less. I may be a smidgen shorter if at all. Will update my siggy tomorrow. Hang in there chica!!!
*Bre~Bre* said:
Cayenne you ain't gettin no sympathy for them little hairs. I thought yu was going to be half bald :lol:

Ditto, love ya sweetie, but as a fellow shedder, that ain't really much :) .

I'm sure your hair still looks full and healthy.
I agree with the ladies. Because I don't comb, I lose that much and more when I relax but I know it's just shedded hair and nothing more. You are okay
I think you used too much products before you relaxed your hair! The only think I use before I relax my hair is LOTS of oils. Usually Affrim Protecto mixed with Olive Oil and my doogro hair oil. I also use the hair oil that comes with my AFFIRM relaxer kit. I rubbed this in my scalp, on my eyes, hair line on smear it all on my neck and forehead.
Remember that a relaxer (no matter how delicate it is) is harsh on your hair because it is changing your hair texture!

*Bre~Bre* said:
Cayenne!!! Your hair is beautiful! I love it. I didn't mean to slight you earlier and I hope you saw what I was trying to say. Hey, we are at the same legnth now more or less. I may be a smidgen shorter if at all. Will update my siggy tomorrow. Hang in there chica!!!

Awwww are so kind. I didn't feel like you slighted me at all. It was an awful lot of hair but I understand that there may be ladies who are experiencing more or about the same on a regular basis. I think its over though. I guess I lost so much yesterday that my hair didn't have anymore to give today because no a single strand. Thank God!!! I give all glory to Him because He is seeing me through this whole ordeal.
Thanks ladies. I have certainly learned my lesson about underprocessing. I think 2007 is gonna be a fruitful year for me in more ways than one. This is gonna be my hair year for sure!

Many blessings and happy hair growing to us all.
Pictures can be deceiving...I remember when my hair was shedding, the pictures I took didn't do justice for the amount of hair that actually came out. It was scary!
Girl that's nothing compared with what comes out after my relaxer. I wish i had your amount to come out.:lachen:
MrsHouston said:
Pictures can be deceiving...I remember when my hair was shedding, the pictures I took didn't do justice for the amount of hair that actually came out. It was scary!

I'm realizing that too, MrsHouston. I guess seeing how many clumps there are and how many strands are wrapped together in person is much more effective than trying to show how much it really is by sending a picture.
Well, the main thing now is that its on its way to recovery. Whoo hoo!