article: Coconut Oil Brings Natural Deep Hair Conditioning


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just saw this today. Sorry if it's already been posted.

I love the health benefits of coconut oil but didn't love it on my hair. I think I will revist and attemt a DC with it in the next few days.

Coconut Oil Brings Natural Deep Hair Conditioning
by Kim Evans, citizen journalist
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(NaturalNews) If you're looking for a deep hair conditioner that's chemical free, look no further than virgin coconut oil. Coconut oil is one of the best hair conditioners around and if it's virgin and organic, it's chemical free. Coconut oil can literally bring softness back to your hair - and part of its power lies in its disease fighting medium chain fatty acids. Coconut oil's unique fatty acids have a very small molecular structure and just as they can pass freely into the cell of a virus to destroy it, they can also pass easily into your hair's cell membrane. This allows the nourishing oil to penetrate your hair's shaft - and literally brings deep conditioning from within. While other conditioners work from the outside in, coconut oil is able to work from the inside out.

Another key benefit of coconut oil is that it contains plentiful antioxidants to protect from free radical damage, including heat and environmental damage. Most commercial conditioners use processed vegetable oils that actually create free radicals and are completely stripped of their original antioxidant power.

Massaging the oil into your scalp is powerful too. Coconut oil is nourishing for your scalp and because the oil is a natural antifungal, coconut oil can offer relief from dandruff conditions. Dandruff is often caused by an internal fungal condition that reaches the scalp, called candida overgrowth. With regular use, coconut oil can kill the fungus in the scalp and dandruff issues can be eliminated. Then, you can say good-bye to chemically oriented dandruff shampoos that - like all chemicals - add to your body's toxic burden.

Because coconut oil readily absorbs into the skin, when it's applied to your scalp, it also absorbs into your blood for a quick dose of a powerful natural antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial - and one that germs and bugs don't build immunity against. Most people would agree that that's not a bad thing to be doing regularly in the days of super bugs and regularly compromised immune systems. To enhance this effect, you can also use the oil on your entire body instead of chemical-based lotions. Just apply a little head to toe after your shower, rub it in, and let it absorb a few minutes before toweling off.

For deep hair conditioning, use a teaspoon or two on damp hair and leave it in as long as possible. A few hours is helpful but if you leave it in overnight - or even a few days - you'll really start to see results. This deep conditioning can be done as often as once a week and you may need to wash your hair a couple times to remove all of it. Know that coconut oil can stain fabric though, so be sure to protect your clothes and bedding.


The Coconut Oil Miracle, Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D.
A teaspoon? :laugh:

I've only tried normal coconut oil. I like it because it's light. But I don't think it does much for my hair but make it stiff. I'm going to try virgin next time and see if it's any different. I did use it as a deep conditioner once and my hair felt beautiful after rinsing out.
I love coconut oil for my hair!!

I haven't had much success with oils in the past, olive oil does nothing for my hair and JBCO is entirely too thick and gooey and i feel like it just "sits" there.

Coconut oil absorbs easily and doesn't weigh my hair down.
Thanks for the info! I love this stuff for pre-poos, too. And the Nature's Way brand is on sale at Whole Paycheck (Foods) for $9.99. Lol
oh heck no! i was trying to figure out uses for my coconut oil a while back, and read alot about using is to deep conditioner. i tried that mess and my hair was hard as a brick! i hated it! i will never try it again lol. ♥
oh heck no! i was trying to figure out uses for my coconut oil a while back, and read alot about using is to deep conditioner. i tried that mess and my hair was hard as a brick! i hated it! i will never try it again lol. ♥

lol. I love coconut oil.

I definitely need more than oil for conditioning though. Wouldn't work for me either. :lol:

but I do add a spoonful to my dc...
love coconut oil on my hair.. just have to remember not to apply too much at night as it will melt and run onto my face and lead to super major breakouts lol..but i do love it because it is so light and even if you're heavy handed with it, your hair will still absorb it and it wont just sit on your hair like other oils do..
Next time I DC I'll try this. I've been using my coconut oil to fry plantains, as it's been making my hair feel crunchy as a leave in.
I'm going to try DCing with coconut oil for a few weeks and see how my hair likes it.
I think I'll start adding some of this to the dc's I'm trying to get rid of.

I can use EVCo for prepooing, but it sdoesnt work as a sealant for me
i love coconut oil. tooday i was planning on using evoo but grabbed the coconut oil instead. i slathered my hair with it before shampooing, and then after i used a leave in i put some on under my aloe vera gel.
I LOVE coconut oil for the health benefits. I use it to cook with EVERY day.
In the past I didnt really enjoy smelling like it though.

Today I did a deep/prepoo for 2-3 hours. I did not use heat but it was pretty hot here today. My hair felt like butta! After I rinsed it out it felt soft and wavy. It actually felt better than when I do a deep under the dryer.

this is a keeper!
I've been using coconut oil for deep conditioning for a while. Sometimes I mix it with olive oil if my hair is super dry. It's incredible on my hair.
oh heck no! i was trying to figure out uses for my coconut oil a while back, and read alot about using is to deep conditioner. i tried that mess and my hair was hard as a brick! i hated it! i will never try it again lol. ♥

thisss. Maybe the whole 'teaspoon' thing is right, because I KNOW when I use too much CO, my entire head feels like straw. Added to DCs is fine, but just straight sometimes is too much.
I love coconut oil. I like to use it to seal my hair right after shampooing and deep conditioning.
Massaging the oil into your scalp is powerful too. Coconut oil is nourishing for your scalp and because the oil is a natural antifungal, coconut oil can offer relief from dandruff conditions. Dandruff is often caused by an internal fungal condition that reaches the scalp, called candida overgrowth. With regular use, coconut oil can kill the fungus in the scalp and dandruff issues can be eliminated. Then, you can say good-bye to chemically oriented dandruff shampoos that - like all chemicals - add to your body's toxic burden.

Could this have the same effect as MN?
Next time I DC I'll try this. I've been using my coconut oil to fry plantains, as it's been making my hair feel crunchy as a leave in.

The same thing happened to me, but I read a post by naturalhaven about coconut oil and how much to use. Over the weekend I just used a little bit, like a tablespoon full and it left my hair soft. Perhaps for those who had that crunchy feeling, it comes down to how much you use. A little does go a long way.
Massaging the oil into your scalp is powerful too. Coconut oil is nourishing for your scalp and because the oil is a natural antifungal, coconut oil can offer relief from dandruff conditions. Dandruff is often caused by an internal fungal condition that reaches the scalp, called candida overgrowth. With regular use, coconut oil can kill the fungus in the scalp and dandruff issues can be eliminated. Then, you can say good-bye to chemically oriented dandruff shampoos that - like all chemicals - add to your body's toxic burden.

Could this have the same effect as MN?

Coconut oil is an antifungal :yep:

So is castor oil. (can even be used to treat ringworm)

I oil my scalp with a mix of these once or twice a week.
I just sealed with it last night and woke up with crunchy, hard hair. I bought mine from the health food store for about $8 so maybe it's not the virgin oil? I think I will start adding it to my DCs. Great article though!
Massaging the oil into your scalp is powerful too. Coconut oil is nourishing for your scalp and because the oil is a natural antifungal, coconut oil can offer relief from dandruff conditions. Dandruff is often caused by an internal fungal condition that reaches the scalp, called candida overgrowth. With regular use, coconut oil can kill the fungus in the scalp and dandruff issues can be eliminated. Then, you can say good-bye to chemically oriented dandruff shampoos that - like all chemicals - add to your body's toxic burden.

Could this have the same effect as MN?

I was thinking the same thing.