Arrogance & Unity


New Member
This is just a quick statement in light of all that I've seen over the past couple of days/weeks...

I believe the Holy Spirit is pricking my heart concerning this matter. He is speaking to me and my behavior, but I believe that this word can be a blessing to others on this forum, as well.

God's word says, "How good and pleasant it is for brothers (in our case sisters) to dwell together in unity."-- Psalms 133:1

But where arrogance abides, true unity can not exist. God has not put us here to help satan create strife... As believers, we should be doing everything we can to avoid being an instrument of evil.

However, lately I see more backbiting and topics started just to get controversy or dissention going. It's really disappointing.

I urge you not to block your blessings by keeping this behavior up. Starting controversial conversations just to push someone’s buttons is one quick way to do it. Another way to block your blessings is to answer back—especially if you know in your heart that a statement was written only to get a hot conversation going. Yes, a gentle answer turns away wrath. However, there is a time to ignore, too.

One final statement… In Luke 22:31, Jesus told Simon Peter that Satan has requested to sift us as wheat—don’t be the devil’s threshing instrument. You are inviting a curse upon yourself and your family if you knowingly start dividing the body of Christ.

Leviticus 26:19 says: “I will break down your stubborn pride and make the sky above you like iron and the ground beneath you like bronze.”

This passage means that you will feel as though God does not hear your prayers and the work of your hands will not produce any fruit or increase. You will be working and living in vain.
Thank you all for your kind replies. I look forward to the day when we can all walk in Spirit, in truth-- and in love. What a wonderful day that will be! :)