armpit to brastrap and beyond...


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to know is the hurdle from armpit to brastrap or beyond difficult to get to? Should I do anything extra with my reggie? I'd like to get to brastrap before June 2010 if not before.
Here's what I use on a weekly basis:
pre-poo: mayo, oil, molasses sit under heating cap
shampoo and condish: AO island naturals, honeysucklerose or white camellia
leave-in: detangle with shower comb using KBB hair nectar or milk
moisturizer: afroveda curly custard or shea amla
protective style: wigs braids underneath are Celie style and in a ponytail with ends tucked under

I sleep with a satin scarf on every night. Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance !
i would throw in some supplements (with your doctors approval) and some exercise.

my hair thrives when I take care of my health :yep:
Cool, I do green smoothies and green vibrance already and juice/green smoothie fast once a week. I was taking msm at one point but not for hair growth more its other benefits. I already take evening primrose and I need to run out and get more of my vitamins. My eating habits are pretty good and I have been lacking in excercise so i need to get back on track. Thanks.

I've been stuck at APL for well over a year now. I had a couple of set backs and cut off a couple of inches, but I don't think my hair grew at all (not kidding - no growth & minimal shedding) during my pregnancy (DS born late September). I desperately want to get over the hump and reach BSL, especially since it's my final hair goal.
What helped me reach BSL two years ago was:
1. Regular dustings at Super Cuts
2. Protective styles 90% of the time
3. Moisture/protein balance

Once I slacked on these 3 things my hair went backwards. I'm pretty confident I will reach BSL again by Summer 2010.
Cool, I do green smoothies and green vibrance already and juice/green smoothie fast once a week. I was taking msm at one point but not for hair growth more its other benefits. I already take evening primrose and I need to run out and get more of my vitamins. My eating habits are pretty good and I have been lacking in excercise so i need to get back on track. Thanks.

green vibrance is the biz. well worth the money :yep:
Increasing your protein intake may help. For the last 4 weeks I've been drinking meal replacement protein shakes for weight loss (70-100g) and as a side effect (a good one :grin:) I seem to have accelerated my hair growth. I'll see how much in a couple of weeks when i relax...hope to have another inch since last relaxer.
I am working on BSL for the second time. My ends were bad and my stylist trimmed about and inch and a half off to even it. I should be back there by January.

My biggest help was getting rid of the heat except on relaxer day or special occasions, using NTM silk 2x daily to moisturize, condition washing, getting a professional to apply relaxers every 3 months but only trim once a year, and using protective styles and headscarves.
What helped me reach BSL two years ago was:
1. Regular dustings at Super Cuts
2. Protective styles 90% of the time
3. Moisture/protein balance

Once I slacked on these 3 things my hair went backwards. I'm pretty confident I will reach BSL again by Summer 2010.
The bolded got me from APL to full BSL/BSB in 6 months back in '07/08. PM me if you want my Fotki link and password.
Thanks for being so helpful guys I dust 2-3 times per year and thats when I use heat and get my natural hair flat ironed. My stylist never has to cut off much and reminds me that with the wig that this is low/no manipulation. As for upping my rpotein intake I had considered adding a natural protein shake in daily since I intend to start back working out. Whey is too processed and makes me have mucous, soy is super shady and causes tons of health issues ( check out the soy alery on weston a price foundation website or goggle the dangers of soy), so I think I will go with hemp or a tri-protein powder that is vegan. Keep the ideas coming, and thanks for all your help :)
It sure seems hard to me...then again, I have trimmed (not dusted, my ends were RAGGEDY) three times this year, and two of those took me from APL back to SL. I know it was from the frequent manipulation of my ends, because when I put my hair away in senegalese twists at the end of last winter, my ends looked just fine. Protective styling definitely seems to be the way to go, so I plan on weaving my hair up come December...
apl to bsl has been soo difficult for me, once my hair got quite long i got kind of neglectful of it and i started to wear it out too much having fun with my flat iron.
I'm trying to be a good the winter its easy the wig kinda acts as a hat,lol. I can't wait to get longer cause I have so much shrinkage and I want my twistouts to be bigger and longer and I want to try a wash and go with kccc or even bantu knot outs on longer hair. I'm waiting on my shea alma butter to come from afroveda I love that stuff. I coat my ends with some sort of butter, cream, or lotion a couple times a week too. It seems like the longer it gets the easier it is to care for. detangling is pretty much a breeze for me, I think my hair type is 3c/4a and though my hair is dense and there's tons of it my strands are neither thick nor fine.
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I went from APL to BSL in 4 months (Aug-Nov 2008) doing this:
-One trim in October (the previous one was in June).
-Moisture/seal ends
-Low mani (no combing except on wash day)
-Weekly wash/DC/roller set
-No direct heat ever!
-I didn't bun at that point, but I always kept my hair off my shoulders by wearing it in a clip.

Once it hit BSL, it took longer to get MBL; however, the good news is that I've been MBL three times this year after cutting back to BSL.
^^Thanks girl. You just made me feel good. I'm not saying I'll reach BSL as fast as you did, but I recently decided that I'm not going to wash as frequently as I was. I'm going to keep it simple and only wash weekly.
I went from APL to BSL in 4 months (Aug-Nov 2008) doing this:
-One trim in October (the previous one was in June).
-Moisture/seal ends
-Low mani (no combing except on wash day)
-Weekly wash/DC/roller set
-No direct heat ever!
-I didn't bun at that point, but I always kept my hair off my shoulders by wearing it in a clip.

Once it hit BSL, it took longer to get MBL; however, the good news is that I've been MBL three times this year after cutting back to BSL.

I got a trim in September cause I hadn't had one since March or April. I don't blow dry my hair I plait while wet. If its still wet the next day and I must go out then I quickly run the dryer over my plaits and put my wig cap and wig on and I'm out the door. your progress is ammzing also you must be a fast grower. I'm not sure where I stand cause I have so much shrinkage. I compalin to my stylist that it grows slowly and she disagrees and reminds me that its natural so I can't see my length cause its curly. We'll see guys time flies...when my hair gets a little tangly its time for a dusting and I usually can go about 6 months or so before this becomes and issue. So I figure we'll see what happens come springtime and I may get it done 1-2 more times before the humidity hits and other than my wig my summer styles will be braidouts,twistouts, and bantu knots. I may try a wash and go but won't do them often....I see the horror stories abou the increase in splits, single strand knots, etc. and I want to keep the progress going....... I look forward to having tons of hair haters cause my hair will be long and luxurious:lick::lachen::grin: