Arising to the Challenge


Well-Known Member
I find that in terms of my calling (Christian Apologetics) that I am sometimes afraid to engage in dialogue with people about the faith who are either questioning or do not believe. I seem to think sometimes that I don't know enough, and if I don't know the person may see me as what a "typical Christian" is like- not knowing properly what they stand for, and thus allowing them to dismiss Christ, where they may have been able to understand and receive Him.

Still, I find that God doesn't let me just run away, I (against my fear) stay and talk it out with people. I'm reminded that though I do not know many things yet pertaining to philosophies, schools of though, historical context, etc- I know something. God does the rest. For what I do not know, its a learning process. From the way that I approach the matter, the way that I listen and respond and the simple confidence enough to do so.

However this is not just something that those called to can do. We as Christians should know what we are about, why the Bible stands as truth, and allow love to cover the differences between us and our brothers.

1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...

Many of us may know the Bible, but how far do we go beyond that? Its our foundation, we must understand why it is, and why it stands. In this intellectual age, people are demanding a "why". Though knowing this and more may not win every soul to Christ, there's many whom it can (with the aid of the Spirit).

Lets arise to the challenge. All of us.:yep: