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DH and I have been having a really rough patch lately and our arguments are getting really ugly. I was just sitting around thinking, what does the average couple really argue about so this inquiring mind wants to know...

What was the last big argument you had with your SO/DH?
DH and I have been having a really rough patch lately and our arguments are getting really ugly. I was just sitting around thinking, what does the average couple really argue about so this inquiring mind wants to know...

What was the last big argument you had with your SO/DH?

We don't argue much. We have similar personalities, so we will usually say our peace and then move on. :lol: I can't remember the last argument we had. It's usually over stupid things and they don't last long or get ugly or anything. :lol:
we argue everyday because we're both stubborn! :lol:

but arguing is apart of marriage so it's common to have period of times when you just can't get along with your spouse. I think everyone pretty much goes through this :yep:
Last argument...I believe it was over how often DH wants to go out after work. I won that war after many battles.

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DH and I don't argue much... Don't get me wrong, we definitely have our share of financial issues and our sex life has room for improvement, but we both knew the deal before we got married (and nothing's changed) so there's no reason to fight about it now.
We bicker more than anything. Sometimes our bickering will lead to an argument.

I can't even remember our last 'big' argument. After a while, everything starts running in together...the good and the bad.

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We bicker and argue... but almost all stem from money somehow :ohwell: (at least for me, he doesn't have too much of a problem w/me)
Helping with projects around the house, who is cooking dinner ( we have very different schedules), and the usual marriage issues. They are more bickering episodes than arguing.

I think is is healthy to speak your mind and if you want to raise your voice every now and then. We also fight fair. No name calling, stick to the subject and don't bring up past arguments. It's probably while we get along so well and I don't have the need to complain to my friends about my DH. JMI
Funny you ask because the last big fight we had was about this very site. DH took my phone and read all my posts while I was sleeping the other night. He was pissed about the "one night stand" thread, u know the one that got locked but should've poofed! Yeeeeah, he didn't know about that and I had forgotten all about it... I was slightly annoyed that he was spying on me but I wasn't exactly in a position to argue with him.:look: He's over it now and has forgiven me for my shenanigans...

We hadn't argued in a long time before that.

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Meemee6223 said:
Funny you ask because the last big fight we had was about this very site. DH took my phone and read all my posts while I was sleeping the other night. He was pissed about the "one night stand" thread, u know the one that got locked but should've poofed! Yeeeeah, he didn't know about that and I had forgotten all about it... I was slightly annoyed that he was spying on me but I wasn't exactly in a position to argue with him.:look: He's over it now and has forgiven me for my shenanigans...

We hadn't argued in a long time before that.

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Our arguments aren't too big... generally they are just about him being considerate.

For example, he WILL call at 3 to say he's going out for drinks after work. Somehow, he feels that covers all of his activities for the evening... so if he left there, went to the gym, got a haircut, rode the motorcycle for a few hours and got a nightcap at our friend's bar and comes home at 11...

He'll be like - but baby, I said I was going out for drinks!
Funny you ask because the last big fight we had was about this very site. DH took my phone and read all my posts while I was sleeping the other night. He was pissed about the "one night stand" thread, u know the one that got locked but should've poofed! Yeeeeah, he didn't know about that and I had forgotten all about it... I was slightly annoyed that he was spying on me but I wasn't exactly in a position to argue with him.:look: He's over it now and has forgiven me for my shenanigans...

We hadn't argued in a long time before that.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2

That thread was before him right

Either way Err you might wanna lock your phone. :look:
O-ren said:
That thread was before him right

Either way Err you might wanna lock your phone. :look:

:lol: I had the one night stand was before we were a couple. We were both in college. We were "talking". Hell, he knows everything now! No reason to lock up at this point! Lol!

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we rarely argue disagree about things, but when we do.. boy do we ever. The last argument we had was about how I hang up the phone on him. I'd prefer to hang up on him than say something that I'll regret or that'll hurt his feelings... so I just hang up when I don't want to hear it anymore.. He says I'm being disrespectful. I say I'm saving his feelings.
hmm......a long long time ago about commitment.....i think....I can't remember honestly. We have little arguments but nothing too major. Those get solved within a few minutes.
we argue everyday because we're both stubborn! :lol:

but arguing is apart of marriage so it's common to have period of times when you just can't get along with your spouse. I think everyone pretty much goes through this :yep:

That's it...We are both soooo stubborn. And control freaks
Also, I am a passionate Libra and he is a stubborn Taurus. He can be kinda unfeeling sometimes, but I think he is drawn to my passion of life. His dad is a stubborn Taurus also. I can stand up to my DH's EXTREMELY strong personality because I've been through a lot. I have grown a lot too. We've been married 5 years but together since college...a total of about 12. We both have grown. I cry, he gets standoffish so I've played his game....When I choose to ignore him then he eventually comes around....If I argue back it only escalates....He can't stand when I am anything other than my sweet self....Ahh....marriage...
That's it...We are both soooo stubborn. And control freaks
Also, I am a passionate Libra and he is a stubborn Taurus. He can be kinda unfeeling sometimes, but I think he is drawn to my passion of life. His dad is a stubborn Taurus also. I can stand up to my DH's EXTREMELY strong personality because I've been through a lot. I have grown a lot too. We've been married 5 years but together since college...a total of about 12. We both have grown. I cry, he gets standoffish so I've played his game....When I choose to ignore him then he eventually comes around....If I argue back it only escalates....He can't stand when I am anything other than my sweet self....Ahh....marriage...

This is me and my boyfriend, except I am the Taurus and he is the Libra. Both soo stubborn and want things our own way. HE absolutely hates to be put on ignore, and always tell me to be "sweet" and I can't try to be mean like him.