ARGHHH!!! My itchy scalp is driving me CRAZY!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey all....

As the title says..I'm going bonkers with this recent bout of itching!:wallbash:

I've been co-washing for the past 3 weeks for moisture (which I succeeded on:grin:) but now I think I've come down with a new problem!

I use keracare dry & itchy scalp shampoo and follow-up with ACV rinse. I use essential oil mix (that i never had a prob with before) on my scalp. And moisturize with A & O heavy cream. I dont think I have dandruff, my roommate and I examined my scalp and zero flakes.

But wah the hell is going on?!?! I thought I was doing everything right! Why has my scalp gotten so ridiculously itchy?!?! I swear I jus wanna scratch like a crazed dog till its stopped!!!:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I use neem powder, mix it into a paste, and apply to hair & scalp as a pre-poo.

I leave it on for an hour, then proceed thru the rest of my regular steps.

Stops the itchies (for me anyway)!
my severely itchy scalp was due to eczema:nono:...hopefully thats not the case with you...i had to stop relaxing...also sulphur was a great reliever
When I had a problem with terribly itchy scalp for a few weeks I pre-poo'd with amla oil overnight and it went away. Good luck.
I am not an expert but... When I had my itchies it was terrible I had to cut my hair because I scratching all night and I was tearing out the hair. :nono: My heart goes out to you I Know it can be the worst thing in world.:hug3:
Ok when your hair and scalp is wet do you notice stuff under your nails if you scratch? Could be build up? Are you giving your scalp a good scrub? (scrub with the pads of your fingers).
I had to get a medicated shampoo (Nizoral) for my condition ( some kind of dermatitis)I used it once and it pretty much subsided (not saying this is what you have). When I feel it acting up on me again it is normally some kind of build up. Does it make sense? HTH ( oh yes sulphur 8 gave me great relief before the nizoral)
hello everyone. Thankx for your input. I'll try the tea tree oil/peppermint mix first.

Sevetlanta, thanx. I feel so distrought about this problem. I'll look into a medicated shampoo. My kera-care dry & itchy has pyrithione zinc, an active ingredient for dandruff. So i figured it was enough. Perhaps its not:ohwell:

AKA-Tude, I dont know I can get neem powder, but I'll try that soon as I get a hold of some...

PatTodd I usually pre-poo with alma oil overnight. The itching is still there regardless. But thanx for your input :yep:

I dont have ezcema or dandruff, so I have no idea what the underlying cause could be!

thanx again
my severely itchy scalp was due to eczema:nono:...hopefully thats not the case with you...i had to stop relaxing...also sulphur was a great reliever

I know exactly how u feel.:sad:..I still relax though. I used Shakakai(sp), Amla, and Neem as a paste and let it sit for 15mins. Then I massage my scalp while letting the water run through my hair...Did wonders:yep:..
I had this problem up until a couple of weeks ago, and what helped me was neem oil.

I bought it at an Indian grocery store. It was a small bottle. I could see it was the pure stuff because I could see the little seeds in it.

I made a small hole in middle of the stopper and applied the oil *directly* to my scalp all over my head, massaged it in and left it in overnight.

The next day, when washing my hair, I added the neem oil to my shampoo in my hand and massaged it directly into my scalp very thoroughly. I let it sit for about a minute or two before rinsing it out. The itches and flaking subsided after that.

Now I make sure to shampoo my scalp twice a week, even though I don't really shampoo my hair itself.

Neem oil has a medicinal / herby smell, so you may want to avoid getting it too much into your hair, and make sure to rinse out and use sweet smelling shampoo and conditioner thoroughly afterwards.
Instead of using ACV, try Baking Soda Rinse instead. I've used 2 TBS to 2 cups of Spring Water and poured it over my hair. I used a bottle with a spout to apply it to my scalp first then worked it in with my fingers like it was shampoo. Then pour the rest over the rest of your hair down to ends. Follow with a light shampoo of a hydrating shampoo. Your hair and scalp with feel light and clean and this is coming from a girl who gets regular breakouts on her scalp. Baking soda has helped alot.

You can also decrease the ratio by using 1 TBS of Baking Soda to 2 Cups of Water first to see how your hair reacts to it. Baking Soda can be drying so you have to play around w/the recipie sometimes.