Are you worshipping your hair?

EVeryday I look and feel my beautiful thick type 4 hair and I thank GOD that I have pretty hair! And I also thank GOD that I found this site.
For me, at times, I HAVE fallen into idolatry when it comes to my hair. I would wake up and log onto Nappturality instead of trying to have time with God. I would spend long moments pondering the hair care aisle, or seeking the perfect hair care routine, but not spend even a MOMENT in prayer to my Lord and Savior. I am really praying over this. At first, my excuse was that I was learning how to take care of my natural hair. But, looking back, even when my hair was relaxed, I obsessed over it. Sometimes I have even thought that maybe part of the reason that my hair was never the way that I wanted it was because of how much MORE of a distraction it would be from my realtionship with GOD. Just stating MY experience.