Are you supposed to condition before or after...


Well-Known Member
you apply a semi permanent rinse to your hair? I plan on putting a rinse on top of my colored hair but I'm not sure if i'm supposed to wash condition and then apply the rinse or am I to wash, apply rinse, and then condition. Please help.
shunemite said:
After. Definately after.

ITA! You have to do it after because you'll coat your hair with conditioner and the rinse won't be effective! Make sure you shampoo your hair to remove any products before you place the rinse in your hair. ;)
chestnutblonde said:
you apply a semi permanent rinse to your hair? I plan on putting a rinse on top of my colored hair but I'm not sure if i'm supposed to wash condition and then apply the rinse or am I to wash, apply rinse, and then condition. Please help.

Yes deep conditon afterwards...