Are you sealing with butters?

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

I want to buy a butter (thinking hemp seed butter) and wondering if you're moisturizing or sealing with them? An LHCF'er was sealing with them. Is this the proper way to use butters? What butter do you recommend?
I'm going to buy from From Nature With Love (FNWL) or another online company. Right now I just use the Shea Moisture and seal with JBCO. Just bought Grapeseed Oil from the store yesterday.

I'm also looking for a moisturizer that smells good like the Shea Moisture leave in. I get compliments that my hair smells good and I like it :)

Have a good day ladies!
I've just started using shea and olive butter, but it's only been a few days- too soon to tell.
But if it works as well for my hair as it has been on my skin, then I'm keeping it!
I have seen sealing with raw Shea butter. I like my results so far. I usually dampen my hair with water or chi silk keratin leave in first for moisture.
my hair loves cocoa butter but its way to hard on its own. so i melt it with shea and mango.

i also have hemp but it's a 'dry' butter. doesnt seem to seal the moisture in enough. too dry for the weather for this time of year. i will try it again in the summer...
I've been buttering my ends for the last 2 maybe 2 1/2 months. I cut my hair on the 30th of december and lightly flat ironed on the 18th of february only to find out that I only needed to cut less then a 1/4th of a inch off. My ends were easily smoothed by the irons and my hair was thick from root to tip, like the day I cut it. Buttering my ends is now a STAPLE part of my regimen :yep:.

(The pic in my siggy pictures what i explained above. Please keep in mind I took the pics before my dusting session.)

I butter my ends based on the feel of my hair and based on he hairstyle I am wearing. For example, if I am wearing a french braid or a bun and will not be able to get to my ends for a few days I will use a butter. If I am able to moisturize and seal my ends nightly I use an oil.

I found the best Shea butter from The Natural Me. If you are looking for a good Shea butter give them a try. They have a website and a Facebook page.
I seal with hairtage hydration's Golden Whip after I moisturize with S-curl. Something about the combo of butters and oil in the golden whip just make my hair retain moisture for weeks on end.
But you guys are SEALING with butters?
I thought butters were to moisturize and oils ONLY were to seal?
*confused after all these years*
But you guys are SEALING with butters?
I thought butters were to moisturize and oils ONLY were to seal?
*confused after all these years*

Butters are more like oils. They can't really moisturize hair since they aren't "water based".

I usually spritz my hair with water or avj mixed with water then seal with raw shea butter or a mix.

Been doing it for over a year with good results