Are you picky?


Well-Known Member
Are you picky about the ingredients in your hair products? Which ingredients do you avoid and why?

I was once a no silicone user, and still try to look for conditioners that don't have silicones in them. But I recently found a great conditioner that has silicones in it, and thought it would be in my best interest to take a more pragmatic approach to hair care rather than discounting certain products because of what's in them.

I understand certain reasons for being picky about which hair products to buy, like wanting to live a vegan, non-toxic life style. Or maybe you don't support the oil industry and not using petroleum based products is your way of divesting the industry.

But there is no proof that naturally derived products work any better or worse than products synthesized in a lab. And most of the conditioners we use, whether marketed as natural or not, are composed water and fatty cetyl alcohols.

I encourage folks to take a look at the ingredient dictionary curated by Terri Laflesh. Y'all know I love that girl even though her regimen was hit or miss for me. She's got a lot of good info in there.
I find that I'm ultra picky when it comes to the ingredients on a $20 container of conditioner.
I'm picky at times. Occasionally I don't do cones. But I don't do parabens petroleum or mineral oil at all!

I'm the same way. I use cones for heat protection. But that's it. No mineral oil or petroleum on these strands. I don't care if it works on my hair or not. FOR ME, I don't find it to be a healthy option. So I stay away. I have had success without it, so I don't bother.

I am a fan of doing what works for YOU. Petroleum, etc works for some ladies so I say do what works.
I will always read the ingredients products like miss jessie I heard bad reviews on it for years So never tried it until a year or so ago

The pudding works great on my hair and I never had any issues in fact I have it in my hair now lol

Where as I have tried natural cleansers that tore my hair up and stripped it so bad

My hair doesn't do well with heavy silicones especially in conditioners
So that's where I tend to stick to natural based ingredients and leave ins :yep:

Shea based products that aren't mixed with coconut oil or something else
That shea will dry out my hair and have it feeling like water hasn't touched it in 10 years
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My hair is picky with all products:natural or artificial.

The only thing it has never rejected is homemade conditioners and oil blends. Thus that is all I give it
My hair is moody so it is becoming an increasingly case by case decision process.

Sometimes my hair will tolerate mineral oil, silicone, isopropyl alcohol, aloe, and shea butter in the right formulation whereas most of the time its problematic.

I believe that you get what you pay for and what you are paying for is the formula. If any of the above ingredients are too high up on a product list I won't buy the product. If there are no penetrating ingredients in the formula, again I won't buy the product.
Using primarily hand-made/natural products I guess the things I tend to be picky about are (in no particular order):

Customer Service
Flexibility of the Vendor
Shipping Costs
Full Disclosure of Product Ingredients
Performance/Reviews (from others that have used it)

I just ordered something on-line that was shown in Jars but when it arrived it was in bottles (and that kinda ticked me off)

And I once ordered 4 8oz bottles of a Product and the Seller sent them in x2 16oz Bottles instead and that irritated me.

So, I kinda get ticked about those types of things.

Typically.....unless something is really, really bad, gritty, grainy, separating, or molded, I'm generally fine with it.
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I'm not really picky but I try to listen to my hair.
Ingredients wise, I do avoid olive oil (solo or in high concentrations in mixes/products; must be very low for my hair to agree), petroleum, and mineral oil and try to avoid parabens. Otherwise, if my hair doesn't hate it, I'm good.
Somewhat. I don't do Mineral oil of any kind. I hate the way it makes my hair feel. I am totally conscious of if my products have added Protein or not. Which proteins are strong etc. I can't have too many protein filled products in my arsenal. I also can't do products with strong, fruity smells. I love that African Pride Moisturizer, but dog on, I smell like a field of Oranges, Apples and the most pungent Pears all day long. I can't.:ohwell:
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The only ingredients I'm picky about are parabens and DMDM hydantoin. I don't buy products containing those ingredients no matter how great the product is purported to be.

I'm sensitive to certain fragrances so ones that are too heavy don't make it home no matter how great the ingredients.
I've def become picky with ingredients in my hair products; especially when it comes to protein. I would use alot of conditioners that would say that they would mend split ends & soften, and then use a protein conditioner; not knowing that the conditioner mending my hair also had protein.
I guess I'm kinda picky. If a product stinks, I won't use it. I don't like products that smell too fruity. I also won't buy an expensive product if it has a cheap filler (mineral oil)...example: Miss Jessie's
Mineral oil is one thing I try to stay away from. But oth if I'm interested in a product. I'll read reviews first then based on the reviews I'll buy it. My hair isn't picky. I usually stick to the same products though.