Are you impatient about seeing results?


Well-Known Member
I am.

I am trying to break this habit of if I don't see immediate results that a product must be crap, terrible, a waste of money, etc. I know that with skincare there a 6 month rule that says that it will take about that time to see results. Do you think this is true re: haircare?

I sometimes see the opposite happen as well. I might use a product the first time and it is like the heavens open and a choir is singing, beams of light shooting down...then a month later that very same product has gradually dried my hair out to the point of almost no return...

Sometimes products have a cumulative effect so what seems like a poor excuse for a conditioner the first time might gradually make your hair a dream by use 10. I know I give up on products too easy.

Do you rave/rant too soon? And what are some products you mistakenly raved or ranted about?

I'll go first...I loved v05 extra body to begin with but I think that it has attributed to my dry hair...