Are you having a good hair day?


Sweetest Taboo
I am so...... NOT! I'm back to wearing a bun today (good thing too since I'm on the 3 month bun challenge). After I wear my hair out this weekend it will be protective styles for the rest of the winter.

What makes a good hair for you? For me a good hair day is when my rollerset stays bouncy and shiny. Or when my wrap stays smooth and sleek.

So, are you having a good hair day?
The humidity has been something else these past few weeks. I'm not having a great hair day... I've managed to get a few compliments, so it must not be thaaaat bad :lol:
No good day for me....I NEEDS me a relaxer (tomorrow)..but I have wearing a pinned up bun..nothing cute at all..

Good hair for me is a good set or when my doobie falls nice.
I am wiggin' it today. :lol: However, I've been wiggin' it for the last 5 weeks. :lol: So is that a good hair day? It's really purrty! :D T/U day is in 48 hours so other than a silk scarf topped with a bobbed wig, I won't be bothering my tresses too much.

A "good hair day" for me though? It's a day where my hair is smooth and shiny with lots of bounce and swang! I haven't had one of those in a few weeks though, sadly. :(
I'm wearing my wig today too ;) A good hair day for me is when my hair looks moist & has a nice sheen. And when my curls look decent.
I'm having a pretty good hair day so far. The weather here is going to get nasty later on today, so we'll see how well it holds up. Oh well, I'm due for a CW tonight anyway.
I am having a good hair day-my hair is in a claw clip. Its soft, moisturized, and shiny. I don't really wear my hair out much anymore-the wool coat is brutal. A good hair day is just what I said above...shiny soft and moist. If I do wear it out I love fluffy, voluminous, soft, shiny hair. I don't like super skinny sleek hair on me anymore. That's why this 'laxer is getting the boot. :look:
I am having a bad hair day today, my hair is dry at the ends :ohwell: A good hair day is when I have a bouny shiny rollerset, I can't seem to get my sets to last though.
I have been having a good hair week! These days my hair feels softer and nicer than it ever has. :)
My hair, just like my love life is flatter, than flat and boring right now!

But my ends are moisturized and tucked away. So no style, :cool: means no damage.
A good hair day for me is when my hair actually remains in its clips and doesn't release itself when it feels like it. when my style is secure and hair is moisturised and protected. i'm always in buns anyway, so the above applies to protective styles.

i haven't wore my hair out in a while, but a good hair-out-day would be one that doesn't begin to expand from the regrowth when i least suspect it, stays generally mositurised...thats it really, i dont ask for much
Candy_C said:
A good hair day for me is when my hair actually remains in its clips and doesn't release itself when it feels like it. when my style is secure and hair is moisturised and protected. i'm always in buns anyway, so the above applies to protective styles.

i haven't wore my hair out in a while, but a good hair-out-day would be one that doesn't begin to expand from the regrowth when i least suspect it, stays generally mositurised...thats it really, i dont ask for much

Off to peek in Candy C's album.
I'm having a good hair day. It's bouncy, shiny and sleek, like an Asian woman's hair. It's so windy here and when the wind moves it, it falls back into place without help! Plus I got tons of compliments in the mall today!
sweetcashew said:
I'm having a good hair day. It's bouncy, shiny and sleek, like an Asian woman's hair. It's so windy here and when the wind moves it, it falls back into place without help! Plus I got tons of compliments in the mall today!

Ok another one I'm jealous of. :lol:
Definitely not having a good hair day. :nono: :nono: My hair is screaming for a touch-up, but I don't feel well and have absolutely no energy. I've finger combed it & tied it up with a silk scarf.......that's the best I can do right now. :(
I'm having a good hair week, too!! I got it relaxed Saturday and, right now, it's just as straight and sleek and soft. I've gotten tons of compliments and a few "can I touch it?"s. This is the longest my hair has ever been and I can feel it moving. When I turn my head, I can feel it fall over my shoulder. I am IN LOVE with my hair right now and I don't want it to ever end.
Well as of today, I'm having a good hair day...This morning I did a co-wash...and now my hair and new growth is feeling moist and soft...I'm happy with my hair's acting right.:)