Are You Dark and Lovely?

I'm Dark, Lovely and Natural for life:look:.......somehow doubt they're tryna put an afro or afro textured style on the relaxer box:rofl:

The title should read: Are you Dark, Lovely and Relaxed?:ohwell:

I see part of the prize is a trip for two to NYC lol I'm already here!:lachen:

Anywhoo good luck to all the other ladies.

*Wonders how many ladies are gonna bold faced lie about the relaxer they use:scratchch :lachen:*
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The title should read: Are you Dark, Lovely and Relaxed?:ohwell:

Not really. Dark and Lovely is the name of the relaxer. The name of the contest reinforces the brand, so for marketing purposes, it probably woudn't make much sense for the title to read, "Are you Dark, Lovely, and Relaxed...." The relaxer is already implied by use of the brand name :yep:
/\ lmaooo!!!:lol: The best title should be: Is your hair Dark, Lovely and in need of a Relaxer??? Apply to be on our Perm box right now!!:rofl::lachen::lol:
does anyone use dark and lovely relaxer here? All I hear is mizani this phyto that :lol: when I was relaxed I used profectiv. Anyway even if you don't use it still apply, I doubt Beyonce uses all the product she endorses on her real hair.