Are you a thinker or a doer?


Well-Known Member
When it comes down to drastic hair changes, do you just do it or do you think about it first?

I noticed when I first chopped off my relaxed ends, I didn't even think about it and I was happy afterward. It's always when I ponder over and over about my hair before I do something drastic that I end up regretting the result.

I am having a doer moment right now, but what's stopping me are these images in my head of how my hair may look if I leaves it be.
I'm a doer!

When I big chopped it was a lot to swallow though. I cried some.

Whatcha thinking about doing to your pretty hair? :)
I am a thinker. I dunno, I over analyze EVERYTHINGGGG!:rolleyes: Even my next hairstyle! It really gets on people's nerve, because they will get so tired of me. But, yeah, I wish I can just go do. That would make life a bit easy!:grin:
Awww... why?

If it's because of bad ends, I say go for it. It'll grow in thicker :)

Otherwise, put those scissors down:spank:
I'm definately a thinker. It's annoying really, and having a whole forum full of people doing all types of things does not help at all. :nono:
I guess if you really want to... I'm sure it'd look great shorter!

but even I would have to give it a little thought lol
It all depends with me. When it comes down to the scissors, I'm a doer, I have no problems getting my hair cut, but as for color I'm a thinker. It took me about a year to actually have enough will power to get highlights.
I usually think about things first but I realized that by thinking about it nothing will happen. I have been thinking about cutting an inch off for the longest. Has it gotten done yet, obviously not.
So when it comes to drastic decisions I am a doer!
I'm a thinker. I usually can think myself out of something drastic which is great for my hair. I haven't done any impulsive cutting or coloring in years.
I am a super, duper THINKER. Not just when it comes to hair, but in life I am a THINKER. It can be annoying at times, but I also think it comes in handy at times.
I'm a combination of both, I think about what I want to do first, I research and research, and ask questions, then, if everything is to my liking, I do. I like to know what I'm get into before I just jump into something:grin: