Are you a consistent lover?


Well-Known Member
Are you sporadic in your relationships or do you have consistency? I would rather a small scale consistent lover than a gradiose lover that shows up randomly(ain't got time for that).

Consistency is essential if you want to earn someone's trust and faith---YOU have to be consistent. This has been a glaring subject on my mind---inconsistency. Anything can happen once---but consistency is the bedrock for a relationship that is trust-worthy and "faithful"----how can you have faith in something or someone that has no consistency.
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Yep. It is hard for me not to be. When I love, I love hard and consistent. If I tell you something, you can set your watch to it. And even if no words are uttered you can count on me. I am good at assessing what my man needs without words. Sometimes it could be a surprise hug. Words of encouragement. Constructive criticism. Supporting him at an event. Or having a snack ready when I know he will be hungry after being out for a while. It could be just being a sounding board. With consistency I'd say understanding is another biggie that is imperative for a relationship to work. :)
I only do consistent. Any thing less even in early stages (contact, attention, and dedication to me) and I lose interest... fast.

My father was the only severely inconsistent man in my life and I want to keep it that way:yawn:.

ETA: I'm not as consistent as I demand. Eventually I am but not at the start necessarily.
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I was musing on this because I reconnected briefly with this guy that I met a year ago and cut off fairly quickly because he was inconsistent. Now our conversations were great, there was definitely a strong physical attraction but he was SOO random that it put me on the defensive early on. So after about a month of inconsistent behavior(few phone calls, making and then breaking plans) I cut him off. Totally. No emails, no text, no calls. I told him to STOP wasting my time and lose my phone. So fast forward to a month ago--he reaches out to me on FB and again we had a really good initial convo, met up and enjoyed each other's company and them BAM. Back on some inconsistent stuff. This time HE deleted his facebook and I blocked him on my phone/email again.

I was never angry with him---more confused than anything; but I can't get with a lover that won't take the time to create a place of stability for me to be a good lover to him.
I am very consistent mainly because I love familiarity. I loooove routine and day to day sameness. It feels secure.
If I like a dude then yes I am. If I'm indifferent then no I'm not. I need consistency from a man before I'm truly comfortable giving him the same.
I m only consistent if I m into the guy ,if not i tend to disappear for periods of time or avoid seeing him too often.