Are things that contribute to Growth and Retaining Length different?


Well-Known Member
This was inspired by someone here I was talking to. For me they are different.

I attribute Growth to: A Healthy Life Style (Food/Drink/Minimal Stress and Exercise) Genetics

I attribute retaining length to: Rollersets under the hooded dryer, Protective Styles, Quality suitable products, Minimal heat, Low manipulation regimen, combing only once every 3 weeks, no brushing.

What is it like for you?
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For me, they definitely are! Growth promotion= vitamins, water, exercise, etc. Maintaining length= moisture, protein, protective styling. I might be able to attribute water to both.
I agree with you both. One thing that I think pertains to both growth ad retention is eating healthy. The reason I say this is because a healthy diet/vitamins can make your hair grow faster, but I also think they help your hair grow STRONGER which contributes to retention.