Are there any relaxed ladies who use shea butter?


I know my natural hair liked shea butter and wondered if my relaxed hair could benefit from using it or other natural products like Hairveda or Oyin products? Can anyone give me any tips about this, please?
I use Whipped Shea Butter and my hair loves it. I sometimes use it to moisterize, sometimes to seal, and I also use it to lay down my edges when I bun. A little goes a long way for me.
i use my shea butter blended/whipped with other butters & oils. I use it for sealing in my wet spray moisturizers.:yep:
Ditto to the posts below. My hair is fine, so a little goes a long way. I even use this on my ends to condition them before flatironing.

I use Whipped Shea Butter and my hair loves it. I sometimes use it to moisterize, sometimes to seal, and I also use it to lay down my edges when I bun. A little goes a long way for me.

I use unrefined shea butter as a moisturizer and my hair loves it. The key is to melt it in your hands and not to use too much.
I use it (mixed with aloe vera gel, coconut oil and castor oil). I use it lightly though... as a sealant after applying my moisturising spritz (con, water, evoo and glycerin)
^^^I add peppermint to mine and whip it up to soften. It masks the smell well!

The shea butter is very useful for me as I progress further into my stretch, it's great for applying to new growth for my bun and it's great on the ends too.
Thanks for the replies because I am considering a long year stretch. I'm hoping that shea butter can help as it did my natural hair.
I use a whipped shea butter I buy on ebay. My hair loves shea butter. When I don't have that I use Treehut coconut shea butter. My hair likes a good thick creamy based moisture so it works well for me. Also cuts down on frizz since my hair is texlaxed.