are there any phone apps for hair care?


New Member
Are there any apps for your hair routine? I know LHCF is already on iphone but it's just the forum. I was thinking more of something where you can keep track of, Last trim, last dc, products that worked etc. If there is already something like that I would be grateful if you pointed me in the right way.
I would think your best bet would be to just use your calender if all you need it for is what you suggested. I have android so I don't know if its the same for the iphone but I can schedual things for the future and set reminders and the like. You could just type in what you used and when and refer back to it when you need to. You could set up your regimen and have it repeat.

But that's just a suggestion, I have no idea how it works on iphones :(

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oops delete this. I posted this thread but did not see it and I thought it had disappeared but I've found it now. sorry.