Are there any dangers of co washing?

Hey guys i wanted to start co washing but i wanted to know if there Are any dangers of co washing? I think i heard from someone that you could get a moisture over.....WUT THE HECK IS THAT? i never thought ur hair could get too much moisture, and i've heard about the protein overload also. i'm aware that it causes breakage. Can u ladies help me out?:freakout: I was thinking about using Cantu Shea butter conditioner to co wash with. Is that a good conditioner for co washing?
Hey Ms.Hollywood ---
I LOVE co-washing!!! but I guess the real factor in figuring out if it works for you is how your hair responds to it. My hair is fine and was dryyyyyyyy as a desert ---co-washing with VO5, Giovanni Smooth as Silk helped my hair alot with moisture---for a minute I neglected protein and my hair was dull limp and mushy (moisture overload) My hair bounced back after clarifying and using a protein treatment. Sorry this is sooo long winded but in the end you will have try it out and "feel" what works for you, as far as the Cantu conditioner ...I've never tried it but their leave-in is AWESOME!!!
Yes there are as w/ anything. Mainly it has to do w/ your scalp being constantly wet. You must make sure your skin (ie scalp) isn't is kept constantly wet for fungal reasons.

The next major one is wax build up. If you're going to co wash often, you must use a shampoo of some sort every so often to avoid it, esp if you don't comb your hair. Too mich wax will make your hair look dull, dry it out, and at the most extreme create unintended dreds.
I love co-washing. Again it all depends on your hair. I stand under the shower, let the water run through my hair. Then I apply my conditioner to my hair (not scalp) and let it sit while I shower. When I am done, I stand under the shower head again and let the water take out the conditioner. I really don't touch my hair too much.

Then I apply a leave in conditioner, ChiKeratin Mist, oil, and air dry with scarf.

There is another recent thread about co-washing and hair loss. It also explains alot too.
Personally, it didn't work for me because my scalp hates me. That and you have to make sure you're not overmoisturing. But you're not going to damage anything by cowashing.
Oh, I just read the part about the cantu conditioner. I have never used it, but I use the leave-in which I LOVE after my co-wash. When I did a search on co-wash conditioners, I found that people use a wide variety of conditioners especially Sauve. I use Trader Joe's Conditioners.
Or over moisturizing hair, especially if you are using a deep conditioner to co wash or happen to be using a conditioner that is too moisturizing. Would be hard to over moisturize with something like Vo5.

Also can experience build up on scalp and hair. Its not good when build up is coming from cones that are in your conditioner because it makes the hair harder to get moisturized. Vo5 conditioners usually have no cones.

Your hair may not like the wet manipulation, or constant water.

I never used cantu, but Vo5 Moisture Milks and Herbal Essences Long term relationship is a really nice co washer.

My hair can get over moisturized ... (sadly) soo If you scared of moisture overload, you can use Chi Keratin Mist (use a lot because its kind of light) or Aphogee Provitamin leave in (which is heavier then Aphogee pro vitamin). Remember leave is not a substitute for protien conditioner / treatment :nono: learn the hard way. If you hair is mushy after a co wash, a leave in probably won't fix it.
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You have to listen to your hair, it will tell you what it needs and wants. My hair loves to be cowashed, my hair loves moisture period...I've had issues with protein, so I know my hair hates protein. But I've yet to have a set back with co washing and I've been doing it now going on two years. Try it out, try a few different products, I find my hair loves water more than anything else, but you have to find what works for you.

Looking at some of the other posts let me also say, don't knock co washing if you don't see results immediately. You may have to try a few different products to see which ones will work best for you. Look around the board for members with similar hair type and see what works for them.
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I love cowashing its helped me get the moisture i could never retain.It also makes stretching so much easier especially after 6-8 weeks. I use pretty much any conditioner. Do remember to clarify every once in a while. I do use protein often like the cantu leave in but thats do to my hairs love affair with protein and cowashing is a nice way to balance it out.
Listen to your hair that is the only way you'll be able to determine if your hair likes it or not I've been condition washing for 3-4 years and it has done wonders for my hair, just test it out trial & error good luck.
I personally cannot do it, My hair is Extremely fragile when wet, to the point where I am afraid to touch it while it is, I don't do anything to it until its at least 75% dry, so its a no-no for Me, But in any case, Co-Washing is a case by case process, Your hair will let You know whether its for You or not, but as in that particular Conditioner, I have never tried it, but for the most part, Co-Washing doesn't call for any exquisite conditioner, being as though You are really just doing a moisture infusion, but it must be conditioner that Your hair calls for pertaining to its current condition! basically, if Your Pro/Moist balance is correct.
I'm confused - for those of you whose hair/scalp doesn't like to be wet, what's the problem with co-washing? I mean, shampoo or conditioner, you have to wet your hair to wash it? Right? Or am I missing something? I co-wash twice a week and my hair is no more "wet" than when I poo....
IMO....the strain it can put on your hair strands. depending on how often you cowash. i'm already seeing the damage of it. I'm still co-washing...just not as often as i used to
Thanks guys. I will be trying different conditioners. I have the generic dollar general brand of herbal essence in my cabinet now. i also have a 2 step protien treatment by aphogee. I'll use that it i feel my hair getting mushy.
I thought co-washing was silly, but it actually worked well for me in the summertime. I'm one of those people with scalp issues.
I have yet to experience anything negative from cowashing. When I first started I used V05 moisture milks and now I use Dove conditioner. The last time I went and got a relaxer, my stylist didn't trim my ends because they still were even! That has never happened before! My hair is getting thicker and most importantly longer. Nothing beats coming home from work or from a workout and standing under the shower stream and letting the water hit your scalp.
Yes, I got moisture overload which resulted in mushy hair and breakage. My hair happens to love protein...
yes you can, but other than moisture overload like some other people ave already mentioned, for me, it also made my hair very limp. I thought my hair was really thin when I commonly cowashed because it sort of laid down flat (but not in a nice way). When I went back to washing once a week my hair fluffed up more, so to speak. I didn't like how thin and lifeless it looked when I cowashed. I think it was all the conditioner? I'm not sure.