Are the brushes with the balls on the end bad for hair?


I am not certain which brush is good for the hair and which one isn't. I get mixed answer regarding this. I thought that the brushes that are similar to combs with the plastic balls on the ends are the good ones because they stimulate and the plastic brissle brushes that don't have a protecting balls.
Natural, I could use them with no problem. On my relaxed hair, those brushes are a definite no-no. Those balls snag on my hair.
I use two brushes.

For dry hair I use a 100% boar bristle Denman.

For wet hair I now use a Swissco brush like the one seen below. No balls. I dislike balled brushes.

According to Amelia Smith (she teaches how to do blowouts on, she advises that the brushes w/the balls has the tendancy to tangle hair.
After I saw the light, and threw out my old brush. I switched to a brush with the balls on it (I call it my white girl brush) and I love it. It doesn't pull out hair or scratch my scalp like the old' school brushes did. I feel like I'm doing my hair a great service.
I use a brush w/balls on the end. IMO- As long as the balls and the bristles are made from the same pour, the brush is okay. The brushes that snag and pull the hair are the ones that have ball 'caps' (the kind that you can snap/pull off) on the bristles.