"Are televangists pimping GOD?"


Well-Known Member
Are all televangists out to get money? The author of these videos is quite adament about showing up these "false prophets"

Some of videos are quite funny:lachen:Now IMO shouldn't televangists be wealthy (spiritually, family wise, money wise)? Doesn't God bless those who follow him, and lead others to him? I don't think it's fair to say that they should be poor, but when you hear about $5,000 pens and Rolls Royce's, it makes people wonder: "Are televangists pimping GOD?" Or are people just hating?

Junaita Bynum
There are too many to choose from, so I picked the top 4
  1. Things to consider: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu5Mhamz9UU
  2. Staged apology and the "sacrifice": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_M20fKnuP0
  3. The "booty" gospel (now, this just ain't right!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu8I_n3Fsuc
  4. The 5,000 pen! No BIC pens allowed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0CFmQxWnYM
Kenneth Copeland


Creflo Dollar


Kim Clement


As always, please let me know your thoughts.
I've stayed away from TBN for quite some time now. I find very few of their guests are actually teaching sound doctrine. I'll just leave it at that.:yep:
That is why a persons cannot listen and hear everybody that comes on TBN and some other religous channels. Yes, some TV evan. are PIMPS!
yes! buy this book, buy this oil, buy this dvd, buy this prayer cloth, etc.... i can't take it anymore. just like i told my dh, you have to know the word for yourself.
i remember hear paula white and another pastor from IN talking about all of these things that added up to the number 6 during 2006, then the number 7 for 2007, now it is the number 8. i recall benny hinn talking about adam being the first super hero because he could fly. whatever.
I don't want to hijack this thread but I do have a tiny rant.

Televangelists aren't the only ones pimping GOD. We know that there are people who use GOD up to get what they want and then toss HIM aside.

I ran across a girl who said that GOD has not done anything for her. So I asked her what has she done for HIM lately? And I let her know that GOD is not her prostitute.

<ok finished rant thank you>
I don't want to hijack this thread but I do have a tiny rant.

Televangelists aren't the only ones pimping GOD. We know that there are people who use GOD up to get what they want and then toss HIM aside.

I ran across a girl who said that GOD has not done anything for her. So I asked her what has she done for HIM lately? And I let her know that GOD is not her prostitute.

<ok finished rant thank you>

Agreed. I think the this situation because a much bigger issue when we have people in the ministry not behaving accordingly. Most of their actions show poor leadership...how can you preach to me, without setting the proper example for me to follow?

Thanks for your thoughts.
When Juanita's episodes were hot off the press there were a few hot like fiyah threads. :yep: If you really want to know how the members here feel about Juanita and a few other pulpit pimps you really should do a search. If I recall one member got so mad you would have sworn Juanita gave birth to her :look:
I understand were your coming from. Boy were they trying to slang everything but the kitchen sink on those video's. :spinning::nono:
When Juanita's episodes were hot off the press there were a few hot like fiyah threads. :yep: If you really want to know how the members here feel about Juanita and a few other pulpit pimps you really should do a search. If I recall one member got so mad you would have sworn Juanita gave birth to her :look:
I understand were your coming from. Boy were they trying to slang everything but the kitchen sink on those video's. :spinning::nono:

I remember that. And it was very disturbing since this was coming from "super Christians." I mean, God gives tells us to use our discernment. I can't be down with pastors selling blessed cloth, packets, etc and you immediately lose credibility with me if you suggest such a thing.
IMO some of these televangalists aren't following God's directions anymore. The fame, the greed and the recognition becomes greater than God. It's never enough for them and they need more. The progression or better yet regression of Ms. Bynum is just :nono:. I do believe that most do begin with good intentions. What happens afterwards is another story. With that said every "good" thing aint a "God" thing...
This prophecy by Stephen Hanson reminds me of this discussion:


June 6, 2008

51He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.52He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree 53He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. Luke 1:51-53

"In the moment of time I entered into this world. I came in the form of my son. He came and died so that you would have life in me.

(The spirit of the Lord showed me a carousal of horses. They went around and around as they normally would, but then a few of them came off the places where they were hooked onto. A few of these horses made a show of themselves and danced around.)

But now many within my body have made a circus act. They have made a great show of things. They have elevated the minister above my Son. They have made a spectacle out of the gifts that I have given unto men. There is much that I am not happy with in the body. These men and women have paraded things. They have used these things for their own gain. Much of what I have been talking about is a result of what has been happening in Florida. Many have called things like this a blessing. I tell you that I don't call things like this a blessing. See what comes out of this movement. See what the fruit is and then you will know if it was true or not. "

Stephen Hanson
The one that really gets me is the creole looking guy from Louisiana. I cannot remember his name right now, but he was pimping a book about having gone to heaven.
I don't want to hijack this thread but I do have a tiny rant.

Televangelists aren't the only ones pimping GOD. We know that there are people who use GOD up to get what they want and then toss HIM aside.

I ran across a girl who said that GOD has not done anything for her. So I asked her what has she done for HIM lately? And I let her know that GOD is not her prostitute.

<ok finished rant thank you>

You just said what I was thinking per the OP's question.... EVERYBODY has "pimped" the Lord in some form or fashion....

And shortdub, I think I caught some of that PW episode you're talking about and I was like :spinning:


Let me say that my house is cable-free so I don't see the majority of these religious shows and I don't know most of the televangelists that come on. I catch TBN on demand (online) when there is a musical guest on that I want to see along with an occasional guest or if there is a topic of interest.... But that is rare....

I'll profess out loud here that I feel deeply for the state of the body of Christ with regard to the exposure and usage and misuse of technology that has...how can I say...perverted the role of Christian evangelism.... It's almost like a burden because I feel that the Lord has allowed me to see both sides of this thing. I've mentioned a lot how I grew up in a Pentecostal church (COGIC) and worked in church administration in my early adult life and my goodness, the blow-up of TV time and the internet in the past what, 10-15 years has really exposed the (Black) church to such levels.... and people who did and did not grow up like I did in church are amazed and appalled at the same time....

It's kinda like what I thought some parts of church were normal was not only abnormal, but...perverted, to an extent....morphed into something else for maximum attraction....

Forgive me for going off topic.... I think I'm having a stream of consciousness here and still in the forming stage of this latest articulation....
Wow, whatever happened to the fear of God? Knowing that you reap what you sow and God is not mocked?

I know for one that you have to know God for yourself. You have to have your own personal relationship with him so that you don't get let down by these professional preachers. And you have to learn to eat the fish, and spit out the bones.

The church I got saved in had a "great falling away," so to speak. There were so many people who got hurt because they thought they were thick as thieves with the pastor. I guess while I was listening to what he was saying, they were planning on where they would all hang out after church. When it was time to leave, it never deterred my faith in God because I was there for Him and not "him." He preached the Bible...you could always back most of his services up with the Word. But he just didn't always live it.

I especially loved Juanita Bynum. She used to preach a lot at her brother's church and I would always be there whenever I could. I am so sad this is the route she must go. But I sincerely hope that she makes right with God and receive the gift of eternal life. It would be a shame to help so many and yet fall by the wayside yourself. I pray that I'm not in that boat either and that I can be pleasing and acceptable in His sight.
Keep your Eyes on Christ. Ask God for discernment. Read the word for yourself. Ask for understanding. My opinion does not count on any of this. Only God's does.

Pray for these people.