Are split ends inevitable?


New Member
We are always discussing ways to avoid getting split ends. Many of the methods work well, and we swear by them Nevertheless, we get a split end or two (or more). Is there anybody here that can say they never get any split ends. And for those that occasionally do, like me, is it okay to just leave a few ends as is. I sometimes go crazy worrying about cutting them off. But my sister has almost waist length hair with many splits(upon examination) and her hair keeps growing and looks fine.
When I had a relaxer I couldn't avoid them no matter what I did. But many women have long relaxed hair so their must be some way to get around them, I just don't know how. There are thousands of hairs on our head so my assumption is, statistically speaking, a few are gonna split. I guess you just try to keep them to a minimum and trim the one's you do see.
This is an excellent Question! I'm dealing with split ends now.
Trying to hold off until March for my next trim. *~Bumping~*
I think that everybody will get split ends no matter how well they take care of their hair. Just think the majority of hair stays on your head for at least 2 years. After all that washing and combing and brushing a few hairs are going to split.
I never got split ends until I got Dominican and Brazilian blowouts. Luckily they haven't traveled far up the hair shaft. I plan to cut them off as soon as I remove my braids and treat my hair next month
Ok, I finally found the link i was looking for. I meant to post this before, but I didn't have the link bookmarked. It has some pretty good info on split ends...and a graph of states that have high levels of hard water.
Erica78, I've seen that article before and it's very good.
I think the winter season has caused some extra splits for people, just as it's caused dry, scaly skin. I get far fewer splits in the summer.

Sweetnic, so Domincan blowouts are too harsh for your hair. They do use high heat, I hear. So I wonder if it's better to perm more frequently rather than get your hair blasted with those Dominican dryers.
Okay, this is a great question! Let me begin by saying that over the weekend I was examining my boyfriends hair only to find a strand with a split end. He usually keeps his hair in a mini-size fro, and never braids it. I was also examining my roommates hair a while back, and she has waist length 4a/b hair, yet she has split ends everywhere!!! Most are located in the middle, and some on the end. The conclusion that I have made is that hair will split no matter what. It almost seems natural. The amount of trims we get will not prevent any single hair from splitting again. But don't worry because split ends don't usually split all the way up the hair shaft. Eventually they break/split off leaving you with one hair strand, our ultimate focus.
Melodee, I'd rather do the Dominican blow-out than to relax often. I think my split ends may be related to one incident back in November. I went to Brazilians who were short on time (they were closing up shop). She washed and blow dried my hair straight and she was relentless with the heat. I almost wanted her to stop (for the sake of my ends) but I had an event the next day and I was determined to have a wrap instead of my usual bun.

The only other time I got a blow out was from a Dominican salon. She gave me a rollerset before hand...with that said, the heat wasnt as intense as my first experience.

I'm hoping to reduce the chance of split ends the next time around. I'll be sure to get a rollerset, have her add the proper oils to my wet hair, and bring a few other products. I'm confident that will help reduce my chances of getting them b/c I normally don't have to worry about them.
Peachtree, where ya been? Missed your posts!

When I was relaxed with long hair, I was able to keep my splits at a minimum b/c I was constantly getting my hair trimmed.

Now that I wear my hair up most of the time and am transitioning, I hardly ever find a split end. The one or two that I may find, I either snip it off or leave it.