are sleeping in rollers damaging?


Well-Known Member
I am curious about this. AT times, I will sleep in magnetic rollers to give my hair body and bounce. Over time, do you think that this is damaging to the hair and may cause breakage? Also, are there any others out here who reguarly sleep in rollers?
I do sleep in rollers every now and then but not frequent enough to know if they cause damages. I would think not. They may give you a headache though.
When I was relaxed I had to stop sleeping in magnetic rollers in the back of my head. They kept breaking my nape area off. I had to switch to tucking the ends under and pinning the area at my nape down. It worked like a charm.

Eventually I stopped sleeping in rollers altogether and braided my hair into six to eight braids every night. I took them down the next morning and wore the resulting braidout everyday.
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I have slept in magnetic rollers for years (12years) and I didn't notice any breakage at all. But now I do pin curls or wrap, because I don't like the feel of sleeping on rollers anymore. I used to not mind at all but now I do (growing picky with age).

Pin curls have worked just as well for me
I think it depends on your hair. If you have thick, coarse hair that can endure tension, then the answer is no. If you have medium or fine hair, sleeping in rollers can be damaging over time. If you do it now and then (for special occasions or just want a change of pace) you shouldn't have any trouble.

I have been using the satin covered rollers (or curlers) when I want to do an overnight set. Though they are easier to sleep on versus the magnetic or other types that don't "give," you still want to be careful. The resulting set is more loose and less defined. That's my HO.
Magnetic rollers are uncomfortable, so I switched to mesh rollers. I never had a problem with breakage. Just be sure not to pull your hair too taut and you should be fine.
Since I usually airdry overnight in a rollerset, I sleep in them. BIG ones too! I make sure I position the magnetic rollers on one side so I can sleep comfortably. My head doesn't move around at all while sleeping this way (actually, it can't move :lol: ). No breakage at all.

In between washings, I would sleep comfortably in pin curls.