Are scalp burns a given?

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Hi All,

I'm not relaxed, considering it, or licensed to apply a relaxer. So this isn't for me.

But still...
I remember my days of being relaxed (14 -19). Scalp burns were rare. Matter of fact, once I started relaxing my hair myself, I never got them.

So have relaxers gotten stronger in the last 15 years? Are stylists being more careless? Is it the clients fault? Is it self-relaxers gone wrong?

I'm not talking about some of the extreme cases of baldness, etc. I'm asking in general, when you go to get a relaxer do you plan on at least one or two scalp burns. For those who don't get them, what's your surefire preventative? I'd like to pass this info on to some folks.


p1 scalp doesn't ever burn when I get perms. The only thing I do is try not to scratch 2-3 days before I know I'm getting it and my hairstylist (or whomever is giving me the perm at the time) usually puts oil all over my hair before the perm. If my head is itching terribly I just pat it or massage my scalp.
No, you don't have get burned. You can use sensitive scalp formulas, which are no-lye, and they don't burn at all. You can use lye, which is healthier for your hair, but harder on your scalp if you burn. And of course basing your scalp helps.
You know, I've washed my hair the night before a relaxer, used MTG up until the same day, and scratched like it was going out of style...and still have never burned. Tingled yes, but I haven't gotten a scalp burn in years.

Maybe I just have a hard head...:look:

Actually, my beautician bases my scalp like nobody's business, she's very good about that. And she's always very careful about putting the relaxer in and taking it out in an adequate amount of time.

So no, I don't think relaxers have necessarily gotten stronger...but I do believe some stylists and at home users have gotten more careless about applying them.
Thanks ladies. I saw a scalp that really made me wonder about this. I'm gonna have a q & a next time I see this person and find out what's going on.

Hi P1. I also get a scalp burn or two.
I must add, I am one of those people whose hair itch just because it is relaxer time. lol So I do scratch and those spots always burn.
Volare said: scalp doesn't ever burn when I get perms. The only thing I do is try not to scratch 2-3 days before I know I'm getting it and my hairstylist (or whomever is giving me the perm at the time) usually puts oil all over my hair before the perm. If my head is itching terribly I just pat it or massage my scalp.

i agree with this. scalp burns are not mandatory and personally i think anyone who is or does burn from a particular relaxer should find another relaxer. this was the case for me. i heard so many things about lye but that crap burned the mess out of my scalp. i switched to no lye (ors) and i don't even get the slightest tingle. i feel like you shouldn't have to burn with a relaxer to get desired results.
I don't burn.. unless I'm pregnant. I think it has to do with the help of the scalp. You know abrasions, cleaniness, etc.

I have heard that certain times of the month (during a woman's cycle) she can tolerate pain differently. Like the same thing can happen. She feels less pain than she would during other days in the cycle. So maybe that be factor as well.
WomanlyCharm said:
You know, I've washed my hair the night before a relaxer, used MTG up until the same day, and scratched like it was going out of style...and still have never burned. Tingled yes, but I haven't gotten a scalp burn in years.

Maybe I just have a hard head...

Actually, my beautician bases my scalp like nobody's business, she's very good about that. And she's always very careful about putting the relaxer in and taking it out in an adequate amount of time.

So no, I don't think relaxers have necessarily gotten stronger...but I do believe some stylists and at home users have gotten more careless about applying them.

You have one tough scalp there! :lol:
Sha76 said:
I don't burn.. unless I'm pregnant. I think it has to do with the help of the scalp. You know abrasions, cleaniness, etc.

I have heard that certain times of the month (during a woman's cycle) she can tolerate pain differently. Like the same thing can happen. She feels less pain than she would during other days in the cycle. So maybe that be factor as well.

That's interesting. I've never heard of that.
When I would go to a salon, my hair would burn like crazy because my stylist always had 2 or 3 other clients she was handling at the same time. When I started doing them myself, I rarely burned. I also found a relaxer that's best for me - ORS.
mw138 said:
When I would go to a salon, my hair would burn like crazy because my stylist always had 2 or 3 other clients she was handling at the same time. When I started doing them myself, I rarely burned. I also found a relaxer that's best for me - ORS.

Maybe that the ticket: doing it one's self OR being very vocal and clear with one's stylist. A braiding client asked me about doing her relaxer and I was like :eek: "OH NO!!" I've never forgotten how to apply a relaxer all these years BUT I really think a salon is the best place if you're not doing it yourself. There's too much that can go wrong and I'd probably suffocate a person in vaseline just in case they had been scratching and didn't admit it.:lol:

Maybe this should go under the home remedies thread but here goes...

I'm one of those itchy headed folks around perm time and the spots I scratch are almost guaranteed to burn. But I was told that if you take an Alka Seltzer (not cold medicine-just plain ol' plop, plop, fizz, fizz) before the perm you won't burn.

If I'm going to the salon, I take it as soon as I get in the door as she's rarely ready for me. If I'm doing my own perm I take it before I start mixing the perm.

I'm told this neutralizes the scalp from the inside out so you don't burn.

I don't know how it works, just that it does.:grin:

I self relax and only remember being burned with one particular product. I think it was Soft N' Beautiful.

Phyto never burns me.

There are some people that are just sensitive no matter what the strength of the relaxer. I have a friend that burns from using just mild strengths. I told her to stop relaxing. :lol: Basing the scalp is a given. I've seen some stylists skip that step. Do not wash your hair and then relax less than 72 hours (or is it 48)? Also, do not scratch your scalp.
Now that's interesting but I think that the reason you don't feel it burning is because alka seltzer contains aspirin. If your not feeling any burning it's because the aspirin has dulled your pain senses a little :lol:

I'm a little concerned as doing this may cause scalp damage if you can't feel it. When I burned from SNB I ran quickly to the sink to rinse it out. If I took alka seltzer how would I know that this was happening?

Is your scalp sore after the alka seltzer wears off? If not then that's amazing.

infojunkie said:
Maybe this should go under the home remedies thread but here goes...

I'm one of those itchy headed folks around perm time and the spots I scratch are almost guaranteed to burn. But I was told that if you take an Alka Seltzer (not cold medicine-just plain ol' plop, plop, fizz, fizz) before the perm you won't burn.

If I'm going to the salon, I take it as soon as I get in the door as she's rarely ready for me. If I'm doing my own perm I take it before I start mixing the perm.

I'm told this neutralizes the scalp from the inside out so you don't burn.

I don't know how it works, just that it does.:grin:

I don't burn with phyto, but I've burned with other ones. (which is why I now use phyto:lol: )

AtOne was kinda iffy. I would sometimes burn with it but not always. Last time I used it it burned like nobody's business. I had the biggest ugliest scabs ever too. After that it was nothing but phyto.

ok its pricey but at least I'm not burning my scalp off.

Every professional relaxer I've had has burned. When I self relaxed last year with Profectiv and it didn't burn, I thought something was wrong with it:lol: :lol: :lol:

While seeking the perfect relaxer, I've also used Vitale without burning. I've started psyching myself out to keep from scratching. I mentally say 4 days before relaxing I'm going to just deep con for then reach for the Silk Elements before my scalp can start creeping anad crawling!!!!
My scalp (and skin) are ultra sensitive. I'm not relaxed anymore -- the burning was one of the reasons I went natural. When I was relaxed, I would only go to one stylist for my relaxer. He based me very liberally with sensitive scalp and did my two sections. First he'd relax the back, rinse then do the front. He was the only stylist who never burned me. When I move, I cut out my relaxer rather than try to find another stylist as patient.
Dearlove said:
My scalp (and skin) are ultra sensitive. I'm not relaxed anymore -- the burning was one of the reasons I went natural. When I was relaxed, I would only go to one stylist for my relaxer. He based me very liberally with sensitive scalp and did my two sections. First he'd relax the back, rinse then do the front. He was the only stylist who never burned me. When I move, I cut out my relaxer rather than try to find another stylist as patient.

Same here. Burning is part of the reason I had to go natural. My mother (who is a stylist) would base liberally and apply in sections and keep it off the scalp as much as possible except for a small amt while smooth and I would start burning within minutes. My scalp really can't handle it. It was also affecting my skin (which I didn't realize until I stopped using relaxers). My skin is much clearer and I rarely get breakouts, what ever allergic reaction was happening on my scalp would spread to the perimeter of my face and it was horrible and I just thought I had bad skin or something b4. The Doc. thought I had psoriasis but since I stopped relaxing I didn't have another break out (go figure).
Letitia said:
Hi P1. I also get a scalp burn or two.
I must add, I am one of those people whose hair itch just because it is relaxer time. lol So I do scratch and those spots always burn.

this happens to me...but the stylist i use now doesn't apply the perm all the way to the scalp, so i'm doing better.