
New Member
Hello Ladies

Tomorrow I have a job interview. For the past couple of weeks I've been wearing the Lisa Raye Ponytail (thats my name for my phony pony). I'm in the PR field wear appearance is everything, however I look extremely young and wearing ponytails even makes me look younger, my friends love the look and so do I, however I was thinking I should look plain janish and go for a bun for this interview b/c my phony pony is very fabulous but to get across my point for the interview I think I should tone it down, but at the same time I want to go as is. With that said ladies let me know what you think. thanks
I'd say do what you feel most comfortable with. You don't want to be sitting there thinking, "Dang, I should've done the _____ style instead." Go with whatever is safest so can focus on making the best impression.

I think it's possible for the ponytail to be professional, but this, IMO, varies from person to person.


I think ponies can be professional. As long as it doesn't have a crazy texture or a million colors (i.e., it looks "natural"), then you should be fine. Just my humble opinion.

Also, my (real) name is Shani, too!
I hope so, I wear them all the time. Keep it neat and natural looking like the other poster said.

shani325 said:
Hello Ladies

Tomorrow I have a job interview. For the past couple of weeks I've been wearing the Lisa Raye Ponytail (thats my name for my phony pony). I'm in the PR field wear appearance is everything, however I look extremely young and wearing ponytails even makes me look younger, my friends love the look and so do I, however I was thinking I should look plain janish and go for a bun for this interview b/c my phony pony is very fabulous but to get across my point for the interview I think I should tone it down, but at the same time I want to go as is. With that said ladies let me know what you think. thanks
As Vice President of Operations for years for Major fortune 500 companies and currently holding a Sr. Management position for Unitied States Government, I have worn a ponytail attachment for over 20 years. Yes it is very professional especially if it is one natural color and you don't have the bang thang going. Put on that business suit, pumps (black, brown, beige or navy) and get that job! Good Luck!!!!
Michellehall said:
As Vice President of Operations for years for Major fortune 500 companies and currently holding a Sr. Management position for Unitied States Government, I have worn a ponytail attachment for over 20 years. Yes it is very professional especially if it is one natural color and you don't have the bang thang going. Put on that business suit, pumps (black, brown, beige or navy) and get that job! Good Luck!!!!

Michellehall, I'm cracking up over here, because I do have a bang but its only b/c I got a big forehead (so I think) but thanks for the advice!!
shani325 said:
Hello Ladies

Tomorrow I have a job interview. For the past couple of weeks I've been wearing the Lisa Raye Ponytail (thats my name for my phony pony). I'm in the PR field wear appearance is everything, however I look extremely young and wearing ponytails even makes me look younger, my friends love the look and so do I, however I was thinking I should look plain janish and go for a bun for this interview b/c my phony pony is very fabulous but to get across my point for the interview I think I should tone it down, but at the same time I want to go as is. With that said ladies let me know what you think. thanks

if it's the super long ponytail i say no. it's borderline professional. at least where i live. i would keep the ponytail in place and wrap it around the holder (middle) to form a bun. similar to sarah jessica parker in sex in the city. very cute and sheek. imo

but the ultimate decision is up to you. good luck on your interview! confidence is key ;)
Yes, I say go for it! I agree with Divine Inspiration about doing what feels comfortable for you. That's what I do and I've worn my hair in a ponytail, dressed up in a suit and pumps (as Michellehall said) and attended professional events feeling and looking good, not worrying about my hair.
I used to wonder the same thing but my questions were answered when I saw the actress Michel Michele that used to play the lawyer on Kevin Hill (the show Taye Diggs use to play in). She sported a nice ponytail and it looked quite professional. Also I saw on Tyra today (she was talking about fashion faux pas') that when you wear a ponytail, it should be either a high pony or a low pony, not in between.

Good Luck on your interview!!

I think ponytails can be professional, but I wouldn't wear one to an interview. People are so quick to pass judgement for silly stuff so why give them ammunition. I'd bun it. That waay more professional in the corporate world. Do like I do and wow them later with the ponytails, instant weaves, and braids. :-) They never know how my hair will be from day to day. :)
chiprecious said:
I think ponytails can be professional, but I wouldn't wear one to an interview. People are so quick to pass judgement for silly stuff so why give them ammunition. I'd bun it. That waay more professional in the corporate world. Do like I do and wow them later with the ponytails, instant weaves, and braids. :-) They never know how my hair will be from day to day. :)

I agree with chiprecious, I too have an interview tomorrow and I normally wear my hair in a ponytail and baggied EVERYDAY but ONLY for tomorrow...I am rolling my hair with the caruso's because I want to look very professional...ponytails are cute don't get me wrong but they do not compliment me on interviews and I want to look very Professional so I can milk them for the highest salary that I am worth..JMHO but soon as I come home. I am going to do a protein treatment and rock my ponytail with my trusty baggie:)
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tsmith said:
I agree with chiprecious, I too have an interview tomorrow and I normally wear my hair in a ponytail and baggied EVERYDAY but ONLY for tomorrow...I am rolling my hair with the caruso's because I want to look very professional...ponytails are cute don't get me wrong but they do not compliment me on interviews and I want to look very Professional so I can milk them for the highest salary that I am worth..JMHO but soon as I come home. I am going to do a protein treatment and rock my ponytail with my trusty baggie:)

How did the Caruso set come out Tsmith?

I would say they are professional as long as you dont sport one with many colors in it. (like the red and black together etc.)
Thanks you ladies for all your helpful comments, I went on the interview and did very well I must say, I went in there not even thinking about my hair. Its true confidence is KEY!
shani325 said:
Hello Ladies

Tomorrow I have a job interview. For the past couple of weeks I've been wearing the Lisa Raye Ponytail (thats my name for my phony pony). I'm in the PR field wear appearance is everything, however I look extremely young and wearing ponytails even makes me look younger, my friends love the look and so do I, however I was thinking I should look plain janish and go for a bun for this interview b/c my phony pony is very fabulous but to get across my point for the interview I think I should tone it down, but at the same time I want to go as is. With that said ladies let me know what you think. thanks

Have you considered a french roll? It would look sophisticated and professional and still protect your ends.
shani325 said:
Thanks you ladies for all your helpful comments, I went on the interview and did very well I must say, I went in there not even thinking about my hair. Its true confidence is KEY!
Did you wear the pony?
There is a senior manager at my company who has worn a phony pony every day of the 10+ months that I have been here.
Letitia said:
How did the Caruso set come out Tsmith?

I would say they are professional as long as you dont sport one with many colors in it. (like the red and black together etc.)

They came out cute and since my hair is longer than when the last time I use the caruso's...girl...I had some swang swang..but I came home and washed and did a little protein treatment and baggied those ends back up...I hate for my ends to be exposed...:)
crlsweetie912 said:
Did you wear the pony?
There is a senior manager at my company who has worn a phony pony every day of the 10+ months that I have been here.

Shoot...after being hired...I will continue to wear my ponytail and baggied to work...EVERYDAY..It's just that on the initial interview...I want to look professional and as I stated previously..ponytails do not compliment me very well on interviews...errr big 4HEAD and all:)
low ponytails are usually more professional than higher ones so if you can fashion it that way I'm sure it will look great.
shani325 said:
Hey Ladies-

I recieved an offer letter today, I got the job!!!!!!!!!!!!:clapping: :clapping:

FREE WASH AND SETS for everyone? Wow, thanks Shani325. Seriously, congratulations. I am happy for you and keep up the good work. I know your new company must be thrilled they hired you ((( HUGS ))) :) ;)
I too believe ponytails tastefully worn and contribute to a professional appearance and I often wear tasteful pony tails for court appearances in Federal Court.....

Michellehall said:
As Vice President of Operations for years for Major fortune 500 companies and currently holding a Sr. Management position for Unitied States Government, I have worn a ponytail attachment for over 20 years. Yes it is very professional especially if it is one natural color and you don't have the bang thang going. Put on that business suit, pumps (black, brown, beige or navy) and get that job! Good Luck!!!!