Are Marcel /Stove irons safe on relaxed hair?


Well-Known Member
Whenever, I go to a salon for any kind of treatment, I always insist that I don't want my hair pressed. The stylists look at me as though I'm crazy. I'm hard pressed(no pun intended) to find a salon that doesn't use this technique of blowdrying then pressing. Though I love the extra smooth and silky look, I fear that it causes damage. Has anyone maintained healthy, growing relaxed hair with pressing?
What they normally do after a relaxer is blowdry then follow up with either a stove heated curling iron(tongs) or a stove heated flat iron. So it's pressing but not with a comb.
Yeah...that's what happened @ my last salon visit. I haven't been to a salon since (2 years this month)!! It was WAAY too much hair. As she was blowdrying it, tons of hair just fell onto the floor. Then using that blazing hot marcel hair was breaking for weeks! My stylist back home used to rollerset me and then wrap, if I had NG, she would flat iron it.
My beautician uses marcel irons on every relaxed head of hair that request straightening and I always get mine done this way. It has never been a negative for me except when I went to this one stylist that did not do a good job of thoroughly rinsing my hair or using a heat protectant which ultimately led to breakage. Other than that, all of my salon visits usually entail the use of marcel irons.
I use the marcel flat irons on my hair, I flat iron my hair to give it a smooth look then put it in a bun.. I use them once a week on wash day..
It does a better job than the flat irons you plug into the wall..