Are Hot Rollers just as bad as the curling Iron?


New Member
Hi Ladies, A couple of weeks ago I purchased the conair hot rollers. I must say I love them. They leave my hair shiny and full of body. They're so convenient and they don't get nearly as hot as my gold n hot curling iron that I used to burn my hair with on a daily basis. But this morning while taking my rollers out I was wondering, could these rollers be damaging to my hair like the curling iron? What do you ladies think? Should I lay off the rollers too? I would hate to because I love them sooo much.
IMO, hot rollers are not just as bad as the curling iron. I have a set of hot rollers (Remington with the blue velvet on them) that I purchased years ago. I use them every once in a while. They haven't damaged my hair.
Re: Are Hot Rollers just as bad as the curling Iro

How do you use them? You put them in and leave them? Or just for a couple of secs like the curling iron???

I'm thinking of getting some.
Re: Are Hot Rollers just as bad as the curling Iro

Lulu, I put them in and then I'll get dressed or get in the shower or something. They start to cool as soon as you take them out of the warming tray so it's not the same steady heat the whole time they're in my hair.
Re: Are Hot Rollers just as bad as the curling Iro

Has anyone tried the Microwave rollers?
I have a Remington set as well (they're green), and I don't think they're as damaging because they don't even get as hot as a curling iron. I do use the warm setting though as an extra precaution. They curl my hair better too.