Are Glover's Mane and Glover's Dandruff Control Medicine the same thing?


New Member
I recently purchased Glover's Dandruff Control Medicine. I was looking for Glover's Mane. One of the employees at the beauty supply store told me that it was the same thing as Glover's Mane.

The directions state wash out of hair within one hour.

I mixed some of it up with coconut oil hair grease, however, I've been affraid to use it. I already have bald spots on the top of my head, I don't want to make the situation worse.
yes glover's mane and glover's dandruff control are the same thing. My mother still refers to it as Glover's Mane. It's the same formula, but somehow, they described what the product does as the name of the product, go figure.
