Are Dominican salons best for folks with long hair?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to try out the whole dominican blow out thing but I don't think my hair is long enough. Do they only do long hair? Will they start complaining if I show up with my neck length hair? I ain't on no drama! I'll know if they're complaining! I'm not fluent in Spanish but I'm fluent in TONE-ish.
LOL @ TONE-ish. Dunno bout ATL, but here I've seen people with all different lengths at the Dom salon. You should be fine. :yep:
when I went to the dominican for the first time, I took my mom and she had a bob and she liked her hair so it should not be a problem:yep:
When I went I saw people with various lengths and textures. The rollerset blow out method seemed to be used on everybody no matter how short of long the hair was. Dunno if thats all DR Salons though.
Based on your pics, it looks like you have more than enough hair to do a roller set at the Dominicans. You should be fine.

Your hair is probably longer than mine and i just went to lily's in atl last week.
Yea, u will be fine. My friend has neck length hair and goes to the DOminicans fairly regularly. No problems at all.
How much do they charge for a rollerset at lilly's in ATL? Does it cost more based on length? I was also wondering if it was close to the Double Tree Marietta on Peach tree.
You should be fine. I went to a Dominican salon that did all lengths. They will probably set your hair on shorter rollers that is all.
How much do they charge for a rollerset at lilly's in ATL? Does it cost more based on length? I was also wondering if it was close to the Double Tree Marietta on Peach tree.

The last time I went to Lilly's, (last year) a rollerset was $25. I imagine it is still the same.
I live on the south side so it is a H I K E to Jimmy Carter or even Lithonia. I want to go sooooooo bad. I work on the north side though and maybe I could go after work. I need to be in and out in two hours or less though.
You should be fine. I went when I was relaxed and about your length. Shorter hair is probably less work for them. I know they charge more for longer hair.